More information for Safety Fast! readers See all the V8 Columns and V8 Newsletters
V8 Curry Evening 2025 - event now fully booked
Saturday 8th February 2025
Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle near Solihull in the West Midlands. As space is limited it is essential you book a place with Ian Quarrington. SF February 2025 Information & Bookings
MG & Triumph Spares Show at Stoneleigh
Sunday 9th February 2025

A popular event for MG enthusiasts early in the season. See the event organisers' website for more information and tickets.
SF February 2025
Event website
V8 Dales Tour 2025 - Monday 16th to Thursday 19th June 2025
The next V8 Tour will be a four day tour in the Yorkshire Dales based at the Ripon Inn in North Yorkshire. The tour is being planned and arranged by Tony Smith and Ian Lindley. The Ripon Inn on Park Street, in the heart of picturesque North Yorkshire, will be the base hotel for the tour. SF December 2024
Information & Bookings
V8 Tour to Germany 2025 - Wednesday 17th to Sunday 21st September 2025 - cancelled
Following a review of the bookings for the tour, sadly Tony Smith and Walter Kallenberg have agreed that the event must be cancelled due to the lack of entries. Tony Smith will arrange the refunds of the booking fees that had been paid once the negotiations with the hotel have been completed.
SF December 2024 Information
Take care when handling the collapsible steering column
In V8NOTE530 Nic Houslip highlighted the space between the hollow and the solid shaft forming the collapsible column is injected with a resin based material through two holes in the hollow shaft, these forming a small cylindrical piece that acts as a "shear pin". Excessive force when removing or refitting the column or steering wheel can result in damage to those resin shear pins. See also V8NOTE518.
SF December 2024
V8NOTE518 & V8NOTE530
V8 Curry Evening 2025
Saturday 8th February 2025
Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle near Solihull in the West Midlands. As space is limited it is essential you book a place with Ian Quarrington. SF November 2024 Information & Bookings
MG & Triumph Spares Show at Stoneleigh
Sunday 9th February 2025

A popular event for MG enthusiasts early in the season. See the event organisers' website for more information and tickets.
SF November 2024
Event website

V8 Register visit to The Tank Museum, Bovington
Eight V8 Register members (an appropriate number!) visited The Tank Museum in Bovington in Dorset. Julian Holmes arranged a very enjoyable day trip to this excellent venue and even managed to defy a rather dreary weather forecast, with copious amounts of sunshine.
SF October 2024 More
Photo reports from the V8 North Lakes Tour 2024
With four days of blue skies, no rain and clear air it was a wonderful tour visiting interesting places in the Lake District. See the photo reports. SF October 2024 More
Replacing a V8 speedometer that had stopped working
When driving home to Remseck in Germany from the V8 50th Anniversary week of celebrations in 2023 the speedometer needle on Kai Knickmann's MGBGTV8 first started to swing more and more violently as a he drove through the Netherlands. Closer to home it finally stopped working altogether. His useful V8NOTE describes how the problem was solved, plus some useful information provided by fellow V8 members. SF September 2024
Visit to the Tank Museum at Bovington in Dorset
V8 members enjoyed an opportunity to see various tanks and learn more of their role. See our photo report. SF September 2024
Photo report < to be added following the visit
Rubber Ball at Malvern
The 50th Anniversary of the launch of the RB MGBGTV8 model in 1974 was celebrated at Malvern with a display of nine RB V8s in the Severn Hall which was arranged by John Davies. SF August 2024

Malvern photo report
& RB MGBGTV8 article

Check your batteries
Upgrading the original arrangement of twin 6V batteries in an MGBGTV8 to either a modern single 12V or twin 12V battery arrangement is a modification well worth doing. SF August 2024

Info Gateway webpage
& 12V battery upgrade article

Frontline front valance upgrade
Peter Berry sets out the case for this subtle upgrade and the useful safety benefits. SF August 2024
V8 engine stabiliser bar
A V8BB thread in 2002 provided useful information on fellow members' experiences with fitting a stabiliser bar which was then released as a workshop note, V8NOTE260. Recently Peter Cook sought information on installing a stabiliser bar. SF August 2024
V8NOTE260 & Guide on installing a stabiliser bar
V8 AGM 2024
Committee members' reports were presented at the V8 AGM together with the V8 Treasurer's report on the V8 Register accounts. Members nominated for key key roles involving their active contribution to key areas of the support and services provided as part of the benefits for fellow V8 Register members were elected. The minutes of the meeting were promptly produced by Ken Clayton (V8 Secretary) and posted to the V8 Website. SF August 2024
Minutes & notice/agenda/reports
Curing condensation in the RV8 VDO minor instruments
Steve Hunter posted on the V8BB regarding a problem he’d suffered with his RV8 with the minor VDO instruments (temperature, voltmeter and fuel gauge instruments). They are all plastic sealed units (but not the clock which has a metal casing and a removable lamp) all suffered by misting up with condensation on warm days or when the heater was on. The note explains how Steve solved the problem. SF July 2024
Inter-Club International Weekend at Malvern - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th June 2024
V8 Rubber Ball marking 50 years of rubber bumpered MGBGTV8s
at t
he Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire. SF June 2024 More
V8 AGM 2024 - Sunday 30th June 2024 at Malvern at 12.30pm
See formal notice, agenda, nominations and reports on the V8 AGM Info webpage. SF June 2024 Info
Fitting an Electric Water Pump (EWP)
Long term member Mike Howlett has recently been looking into the possibility of fitting a Davies, Craig electric water pump (EWP) to his V8 conversion, which runs a 3.9 Range Rover engine. Mike's engine runs extremely hot when standing idling, which has been known to send the temperature needle into the oil pressure zone on the dual gauge in the past! Mike launched a thread on the V8 Bulletin Board and responses from Chris Armitage and Peter Varley revealed some interesting issues with the EWP upgrade. SF May 2024
The ultimate number plate
The registration plate "V 8" has now become available through Regtransfers who say "it was issued by Lanark County Council in 1904. It is increasingly rare for registrations of this age to have survived. Many have been lost, as old vehicles were written off or scrapped. This scarcity gives such an old registration a special appeal, similar to that of an antique." See a NEWS item released on this V8 Website in March on the availability of a rare cherished plate - V 8. SF May 2024
Inter-Club International Weekend at Malvern
The Club's main weekend event is on Friday 28th - Sunday 30th June 2024
at The Three Counties Showground near Malvern in Worcestershire with a wide range of activities plus trips to local features like the Morgan factory, Worcester and a Three Counties Road Run ending at Malvern. See our information webpage. SF May 2024 More & More

V8 AGM - this will be held Sunday 30th June 2024 at 12.30pm at the Three Counties Showground in the Stock Steward's building. SF May 2024 Formal notice
Rubber Bumpers
The ‘rubber bumper’ home-market MGB and MGBGT came with the ‘1974 ½’ facelift of the four and eight cylinder MGBGTs, which were on display at the 1974 Earls Court Motor Show. The driver behind the introduction of ‘rubber bumpers’ was the legislative power that underpinned changes to vehicle standards in the United States; then came the urgent need for MG to meet those requirements as sales of MGs in North America were vital to the future of the MG business at that time. The way MG handled the introduction of ‘rubber bumpers’ to their models was both rapid and imaginative. SF April 2024 Article
Building a V8 Roadster
Many year ago Peter Nixon had a Factory MGBGTV8 (Black 2293) and feels he made the mistake of selling it. But he later thought about converting his wife's 1976 MGB Roadster to V8 power but she said firmly 'NO'! So in January 2017 Peter bought a rolling rust bucket rubber bumper MGB Roadster off eBay which had no engine, no gearbox, no MOT but lots of rust. His intention was to rebuild it, convert it to chrome bumper and install a Rover V8 engine and a five speed gearbox. Peter recently completed what became a six year project to create his V8 Roadster. SF April 2024 Article
V8 exhaust manifold shrouds
Most V8s have lost their exhaust manifold shrouds over the years, either when the cast iron manifolds have been replaced or simply not fitted after induction system work or they have rusted away. Yorkshire member John Davies wanted to return his pair of MGBGTV8s to the standard Factory arrangement and needed two sets of shrouds. Fortunately the uppers (BHH1297 and BHH 1298) are occasionally available on eBay as "New Old Stock" but the lowers (BHH1247 and BHH1248) are rarely available in good condition. The challenge had been overcome by Paul Gill in Caerphilly in Mid Glamorgan in the 1980s when he created a wooden pattern former (using poor condition lower shrouds as a shape guide) and a colleague fabricated a set. Now 35 years later, the wooden former was called into action again - this time loaned to Yorkshire restorer David Barber, currently recommissioning an early rubber bumper V8 (Black 2102). Turning steel sheet into a small, complex set of compound curves that emulate the original stamped component is a significant accomplishment, albeit one that most people who view the car will never see or appreciate!. SF April 2024 Article
Exactly how many MGBGTV8s were built at Abingdon?
Most authors of publications covering the MGBGTV8 quote 2,591 as the total production figure for the model - but is it correct? Well as information gradually came to light, the longstanding V8 Register Historian & Archivist, the late Geoff Allen, believed there were more than 2,591 V8s! In V8NOTE300 he explained why. SF March 2024 More & More & More
Digital Club Membership is here - switch now and enjoy a free offer
With a switch to digital membership you can get to see Safety Fast! promptly online in the Members' area of the Club website and at a reduced subscription too. We have a note explaining how to make the switch together with details of the free offers for V8 members who make the switch to Digital Club Membership. SF February 2024
Information on switch
Making the switch explained
Free offers when you switch
Digital Club Membership is here - switch now
See the reduced membership subscription fees with a switch to Digital Club Membership. There are our special free offers for V8 members who make the switch to Digital Club Membership. SF January 2024 Digital Club Membership & Free Offers
North Lakes V8 Tour 2024
Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September 2024

Bookings are flowing in for the North Lakes V8 Tour that Tony Smith is arranging as a four day tour in the North of the Lake District based at the North Lakes Hotel & Spa near Penrith. SF December 2023 More & Bookings made
North Lakes V8 Tour 2024
Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September 2024

Tony Smith has volunteered to arrange a wonderful four day tour in the North of the Lake District based at the North Lakes Hotel & Spa near Penrith. SF November 2023 More
Digital Club Membership is here - switch now
See the reduced membership subscription fees with a switch to Digital Club Membership. There are our special offers for V8 members who make the switch to Digital Club Membership. SF November 2023 More
MGV8-50 Anniversary Weekend - Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th August 2023
With good weather the weekend of MGV8-50 Anniversary events was thoroughly enjoyable - a display of MGV8s on the Market Place in Abingdon on Saturday morning followed by a buffet lunch at the Dog House pub on the route of the old Factory test route and on Sunday the major MGV8-50 Anniversary event at the Motor Museum at Gaydon. See the photo reports

The programme of events celebrated several notable anniversaries - the 50th anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model in August 1973, the 45th anniversary of the launch of the V8 Register five years later in October 1978, and the 30th anniversary of the start of RV8 production and sales in 1993. SF October 2023
V8 Ducting from Shroud to Air Temperature Control
Jonathan Stein in the USA reports finding a useful source of replacement ducting. He bought it from in California and their part number is 028129087A. AutoDoc offers this part in the UK”. The AutoDoc website lists 6 different versions of this piping from 4 different suppliers. Note that there is also an earlier note, V8NOTE534 , on this topic contributed by Angus Munro in 2018.
SF September 2023 & AutoDoc
MG100 at Silverstone
On June 10th and 11th, the V8 Register attended the MG100 event at Silverstone, as part of this year’s grand celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the launch of the MGB GT V8 and the 30th anniversary of the launch of the MG RV8. The weekend was uncharacteristically hot for Silverstone, so the V8 Marquee was a welcome refreshment centre, offering tea, coffee and homemade cakes, together with seating. See our photo reports. V8 Marquee, MGBGTV8 Parade Lap, SF August 2023
MG50-V8 Gaydon
On Sunday 20th of August, the V8 Register has its MGV8-50 major event at Gaydon, where we will further celebrate the anniversaries mentioned above, plus the 45th anniversary of the formation of the V8 Register in 1978. There will be a dedicated MGV8 parking area on the north side of the car park, in front of the Museum. The focus of the event, planned by Julian Holmes will be in the dedicated meeting rooms within the Museum building. In these two rooms there will be a reception area with welcome refreshments and a few trade stands. The second room will contain a modest programme of presentations and slide shows, contributed by volunteers and enthusiasts. Spaces are still available for this prestigious event, which will not be repeated for many years to come. More SF August 2023
Vitesse 5 Speed Gearbox Conversion
With his early Factory V8 gearbox (with overdrive in 3rd and 4th) starting to show signs of age and wear, Peter Berry explains how he considered the options and decided to go for a replacement gearbox from Vitesse. It's a Mazda 5 speed gearbox, complete with a conversion kit for use on several classics, including the MGBGTV8. More SF August 2023
Stahlbus Oil Drain Valve update
Peter Berry says that since fitting one of these devices to his MGBGTV8 Brexit has occurred! Since then Stahlbus are no longer able to export to the UK due to the red tape involved now. Fellow V8 Register member Mike Howlett got in touch with Demon Tweeks, a UK distributor for Stahlibus, and reported a successful purchase of the necessary item. Mike says the correct item doesn’t appear on their website. Dave Kimberley at Demon Tweeks was very helpful and so other V8 Register members are advised to contact Dave directly and quote Mike Howlett’s name. More SF July 2023
MGV8-50 at Gaydon on Saturday 20th August 2023
The major MGBGTV8 50th Anniversary event is at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon hosting our main event of the year, the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 in 1973. Access to the parking area in front of the Museum on Saturday 20th August will be available from 11am to 4pm and then you can buy a ticket to the Museum exhibition and cafe. The focus of the event will be in two meeting rooms for V8 Register members and their guests inside the Museum for the V8 anniversary event - one with a mix of trade and Club stands plus refreshments on arrival and the other room for a number of presentations on the MGBGTV8 and RV8 models.
Make a booking
Note: the events in Abingdon the previous day (Saturday 19th August) are both fully booked - the MGV8 Display on the Market Place and the Lunch at a pub to the west of Abingdon. Please note, because of limited space at those venues further bookings are not available and the car park at the pub will be full to bursting point. More SF July 2023
Wrong Fuse Blowing
Mark Ratcliff owns a ’75 factory V8 and recently experienced a recurring problem, when the wipers on his car continually blew the fuse. The problem was that the fuse in question (the third one down on the standard fuse box) doesn’t protect the wiper circuit – so how could this be? Mark found the source of the problem; the in-line fuse on the accessory circuit had failed. On closer inspection, Mark found that a new wire had been ‘Scotchlocked’ to the original GK (green with pink tracer) wire. On removal of this ‘additional’
wiring and the installation of a new fuse normal service was resumed and everything worked as it should. Beware the wiring bodgers, the use of incorrect wiring colours and the use of Scotchlock connectors – they are the work of the devil! More SF July 2023
Pricewatch auction report
Keith Belcher reports it is rare to see four MGBV8s at one auction, but at the Silverstone Race Retro Classic and
Competition Car Sale in February 2023 there were three Factory MGBGTV8s and one MGRV8 up for auction. The sale was very well attended with deep pocketed bidders buying Emma Peel’s Lotus Elan, Peter Seller’s Elan, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Land Rover and Rowan Atkinson’s Lancia Integrale, all at high prices. Also, a low mileage Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500 achieved a world record price. More SF June 2023
Updated six monthly MGV8 Price Guides & Market Reviews
Based on the MGV8s seen advertised for sale, listed for auction and in specialist traders showrooms by our Pricewatch volunteers, our Price Guides and Market Reviews for the MGBGTV8 and RV8 models have been updated. They are available now.
Price guide for the six months to May 2023. More SF June 2023
50V8 Anniverary Events in June 2023
Update on bookings and ticket sales for the events in the week before and at the MG-Triumph 100 event at Silverstone over the weekend of Saturday 10th and 11th June 2023. Update SF June 2023
50V8 Anniverary Events in June 2023
Don't miss a booking for these events:
> Wednesday 7th June - visit to Rousham House & Gardens in Oxfordshire with guided tour of the house. Info & booking
> Thursday 8th June
- visit to Sywell Aerodrome and an informal lunch. Info & booking
> Friday 9th June - the traditional V8 lunch at the Hook Norton Brewery cafe. Info & booking
> Saturday 10th June- MG-Triumph100 meeting at Silverstone with the V8 Marquee and MGV8 Display. Info
> Saturday 10th June - MGBGTV8 50th Anniversary parade around the circuit. Info & booking
> Saturday 10th June - V8 Supper near Silverstone. Info & booking
> Sunday 11th June - V8 AGM in the V8 Marquee at 1pm. Formal notice
MGV8-50 Events in August 2023
Don't miss a booking for these events:
> Saturday 19th August - early morning MGV8 display on Market Place in Abingdon. Information
> Saturday 19th August - buffet lunch at the Dog House pub, west of Abingdon. Info & booking
> Sunday 20th August - MGV8-50 event at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon. Info & booking

Check the latest bookings SF May 2023
V8 Speedo Illumination – how to replace the bulb
MGB GT V8 owner Tony Head, experienced considerable difficulty replacing his speedo illumination bulb last year when the original bulb blew. Access is a real problem up behind the dashboard, above the speedo drive, in amongst other wiring. Tony therefore posted the question on how to reach this bulb on the V8BB to other members. The V8 Webmaster responded that feedback from Tony Lake was that he had experienced similar problems when he bought 4 LEDs to replace the otiginal bulbs – a modification which other members will have embarked upon, given the low light levels of the original setup. More SF April 2023
DfT Reassessment of MoT Exemption for Classic Cars
By the time you read this, the deadline to have any say over this matter will have passed. However, the facts still make interesting reading. The Department of Transport was seeking the views of classic car owners on the MOT exemption for classic cars over 40 years old, introduced in 2018. This exemption from the requirement for an annual MOT test replaced an earlier legal exemption from an MOT test for pre-1960 vehicles. Now it appears the DfT is interested in the views of classic car enthusiasts and the wider public on how they feel this exemption ruling has worked and whether it needs to be reviewed. The deadline for opinions was 22nd March 2023. More SF April 2023

Soon after the launch of the V8 powered MG in 1973 sales were hit by difficult economic conditions
Launched in August 1973, the V8 powered MGBGT combined the popular fixed head coupe body style with a powerful three and half litre light alloy V8 engine. The Rover powerplant ran with a reduced 8.25 to 1 compression ratio but an increased torque compared with the similar engines then used in the Rover saloons. The result transformed the MGBGT, creating a very nimble car with the luxury of multi-cylinder power. But within just a few weeks of the launch serious international political problems arose and the consequent economic difficulties hit sales of MGBGTV8s in a major way. Here Victor Smith reflects on those difficult conditions and the impact they had on the sales of an attractive new MG. Article SF March 2023

See links below for more information on items mentioned in the article.

V8 - an old Buick design
The story of the Buick V8 engine which found its way across the Atlantic to power a generation of Rover and Leyland vehicles. More

MGBGTV8 at the 1973 Motor Show at Earls Court
Video of a BBC review of the motor show. More & MGBGTV8 price lists & bhp comparison

Political problems and economic difficulties hit MGBGTV8 sales soon after the launch
See more on: Yom Kippur War & 1973 Oil Crisis & Oil Embargo & State of emergency

Analysis of time between dispatch of MGBGTV8s from the MG Plant to distributors and first registration (sale). More

Prices of secondhand MGBGTV8s remained fairly steady for many years with modest growth until around 2010 when in the period to 2017 they rose by around 117%. Since then there has been modest growth of prices. Price guide

50V8 Anniverary Events in June 2023
Don't miss a booking for these events:
> Wednesday 7th June - visit to Rousham House & Gardens in Oxfordshire with guided tour of the house. Info & booking
> Thursday 8th June - visit to Sywell Aerodrome and an informal lunch. Info & booking
> Friday 9th June - the traditional V8 lunch at the Hook Norton Brewery cafe. Info & booking
> Saturday 10th June- MG-Triumph100 meeting at Silverstone with the V8 Marquee and MGV8 Display. Info
> Saturday 10th June - MGBGTV8 50th Anniversary parade around the circuit. Info & booking
> Saturday 10th June - V8 Supper at the Star Inn in Sulgrave near Silverstone. Info & booking
> Sunday 11th June - V8 AGM in the V8 Marquee at 1pm. Notice will be released later

MGV8-50 Events in August 2023
Don't miss a booking for these events:
> Saturday 19th August - early morning MGV8 display on Market Place in Abingdon. Information
> Saturday 19th August - buffet lunch at the Dog House pub, west of Abingdon. Info & booking
> Sunday 20th August - MGV8-50 event at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon. Info & booking

Check the latest bookings SF March 2023
RV8 Battery Change
Paul Keeler has been in touch this month regarding the troubles he experienced replacing his battery recently. Changing the battery; what could be easier? Quite a lot actually! Despite being on a CTEK conditioner, the battery finally gave up. Records show that the old AC Delco item (520 CCA) was fitted in March 2012. Not bad! Two earlier ones were fitted in March 2007 and April 2003. A new Yuasa YBX5069 (650 CCA) was chosen. Paul then explains how he overcame a number of issues fitting and securing the new battery in his RV8. SF March 2023

See further information on replacement batteries. More & More
Which Oil?
Now here is a most useful book for all of us who drive older cars and who are perhaps confused about the correct choice of oil. “Which Oil?” by Richard Michell sets out to dispel the myths and misconceptions about the plethora of oils available on market today we should use in a classic car like an MGBGTV8 or MGRV8 with a Rover V8 engine. Nic Houslip has reviewed this book and says "I believe this book is particularly good value at £14.99 from Veloce and would make a good birthday present". It's available as a 128 page paperback with 34 pictures or as an e-book. SF February 2023
See the review
MGV8-50 anniversary events on Friday 19th & Saturday 20th August 2023
See information on each of the three events and booking details.
Events include an MGV8 display on the Market Place in Abingdon, a buffet lunch at the Dog House pub to the west of Abingdon on the old MG Factory Test Route and the main anniversary event at Gaydon. SF January 2023
More event information & booking arrangements

V8 Curry on Saturday 11th February 2023
An annual V8 Curry has been a V8 Register tradition ever since Peter Beadle arranged the first one in Epsom in 1979 near the MG dealer University Motors where he was parts manager. With the return of the MG-Triumph Spares Day at Stoneleigh on Sunday 12th, Ian Quarrington is arranging the V8 Curry nearby, south of Solihull and the M42. SF January 2023
Information and booking arrangements
MG anniversaries coming in 2023
The key events will be:
MG 100 Anniversary event at Gaydon on Saturday 27th May 2023
MG 100 Live! 2023 celebrating the MG 100 & the MGV8 anniversaries over the weekend of Sat 10th & Sun 11th June 2023
MGV8-50 events at Abingdon on Saturday 19th and at Gaydon on Sunday 20th August 2023
SF December 2022 More
MGV8-50 weekend of anniversary events in August 2023
See more information on each of the three anniversary events over the weekend of Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August 2023 and booking arrangements. Events include an MGV8 display on the Market Place in Abingdon, a buffet lunch at the Dog House pub to the west of Abingdon on the old MG Factory Test Route and the main anniversary event at Gaydon. SF December 2022
More event information & booking arrangements
V8 Scottish Borders Tour 2022 reports
Ken Clayton and Tony Smith organised this year’s successful V8 Tour in September as a wonderful long weekend tour in the Scottish Borders based at the Barony Castle Hotel at Eddleston near Peebles. The tour included a visit to the Jim Clark Museum via the Lammermuir Hills where members were met by Doug Niven who gave an introduction to the museum. See four photo reports from contributors. SF December 2022
Report 1 - Report 2 - Report 3 - Report 4
r- More
RV8 exhaust clamp clash with front tyre – safety issue!
An RV8 failed an MOT test because the front offside tyre had been worn down to the cords from a cut into the side wall. It seems that an exhaust bracket had been fouling the inside wall with the steering wheel on a right-hand lock. A blowout could have been quite imminent with disastrous consequences had this not been picked up. SF November 2022 More
MGBV8 engine cooling
Tony Lake has contributed an article on a modification he has made to his MGBGTV8 to deal with the perenial problem of V8 engine cooling. SF October 2022 More & Drawing of undertray
Replacing an exhaust system on a reimported RV8
Ian Hanstead had to replace the exhaust system on this RV8. He also removed the aircon system to provide more legroom in the passenger footwell and is planning to have an EZ EPAS system fitted. SF October 2022 More & EPAS
Major V8 anniversaries year in 2023
In 2023 we will have three significant anniveraries: the 50th anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model in August 1973, the 45th anniversary of the formation of the V8 Register five years later in 1978 and the 30th anniverary of the start of RV8 production in 1993. The MGBGTV8 was launched in August 1973 at the Motor Show at Earls Court in London. We will have more information on the major MGV8-50 events in mid August 2023 to be held in Abdingdon and Gaydon in the December issue of Safety Fast! SF August 2022 More
Rare pre-production RV8
The first RV8 Adder, which was effectively the first pre-production RV8 with the vehicle identity number "900000" and build reference "ADD VAL03", is coming up for sale at a Classic Car Auctions auction on 24th September 2022. It was the first recognisable RV8 finished in the bold Flame Red colour and still has its original registration "K638 WOK". The proud owner is Peter O'Hare who bought the car from Richard Higgins in 2006. At first glance it looks like a production RV8 but a closer examination reveals a number of differences from its pre-production role when it was used as a validation spec test vehicle for performance tests and hood safety catch security tests at high speed. The side cills of the body kit are GRP rather than the "RIM" (reaction injection moulding) plastic of the production parts made by the German company Zender. SF September 2022 More
St Swithin's Day on 56 Cylinders
Simon Williams writes to tell us of a seven car RV8 gathering in Lostwithiel in Cornwall. With all cars arriving with their tops firmly down, this must mean that they will be down on every outing for the next 40 days! Peter Cutting (who has two examples himself) extended a very kind invitation to a gathering, with participants joining from the Tamar Valley through to Carrick Roads. SF September 2022 More
MG RV8 launch in 1992
As we reach the 30th anniversary of the launch of the MG RV8 model in 1992, we reflect on how the model was received by the motoring press. As a new MG model, the RV8 was part of the essential effort to keep the MG brand alive in the years after the closure of MG Plant at Abingdon. See the Autocar magazine with its pre-launch article on the MG RV8 in October 1992 and the Car magazine test of the new MG RV8 in November 1992. SF August 2022
Major V8 anniversaries year in 2023
In 2023 we will have three significant anniveraries: the 50th anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model in August 1973, the 45th anniversary of the formation of the V8 Register five years later in 1978 and the 30th anniverary of the start of RV8 production in 1993. The MGBGTV8 was launched in August 1973 at the Motor Show at Earls Court in London. The V8s featured at the show were Citron 0798 on display on a ramp with the logo "the new 124mph MGB GT V8" and Aconite 0799 on the stand. SF August 2022
MGV8-50 event in 2023
A major event celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model is planned for Sunday 20th August 2023 at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon with a dedicated parking area alongside the museum building and a dedicated room within the building with several presentations on both the MGBGTV8 and RV8 models. Julian Holmes has volunteered to lead the planning and arranging of this event and further details will be available later this year. SF August 2022
Electronic ignition gremlin
Mike Russell posted a report on the V8 Bulletin Board that "following perfect running for months on end after some ignition system fettling late last year, I suddenly couldn't get the MGBGTV8 to start. Fortunately it was in the garage at the time but if it had been out and about it would have been a real problem. He then removed the two steel self-tapping screws which were securing the aluminium Lumenition case to the bulkhead, with one also providing the earth connection. He noticed the screw threads were seriously corroded. They were cleaned, together with the earth connection, and then reassembled. He then wondered what to do next but on starting the car it fired up easily - much to his relief. SF August 2022
Multifunction reversing light
Peter Berry has always been keen to keep his V8 as safe as possible, considering modern traffic and driving styles. When he came across a company called Better Car Lighting, run by a knowledgeable chap called Gil Keane (they advertise here in Safety Fast!), he became interested in their reversing light conversion kit, to combine reversing lights with additional braking lights AND fog lights, all in one, by using a clever LED package - and very importantly retaining the original reversing lights and appearance. This ticked several boxes for Peter. This note is his account of fitting this kit to his V8. SF August 2022
BBC calls time on Long Wave transmission
The BBC plans to close transmission on the Long Wave platform in the near future, including many transmissions favoured amongst V8 owners. Many V8 owners prefer to retain their period Motorola or Radiomobile radios, although around 94% of all radio broadcasting is in FM and DAB only. However, several companies are now offering conversions to enable classic car owners to retain the period look of their radios, while still being able to listen to more modern and available broadcasts. Conversions include FM, DAB and iPod connectivity. 'Stay tuned' for further details in this column. SF July 2022
Six monthly MGV8 price guide and market review
Our regularly updated MGV8 price guide and market review was released in early May covering the six months to the end of April 2022. SF July 2022
See the price tables, charts and market review
V8 Scottish Borders Tour 2022
Friday 9th to Monday 12th September 2022

The next V8 Tour will be in the Scottish Borders and is planned to give a taste of the attractions of this interesting area which classic car enthusiasts enjoy touring. Tour organiser Tony Smith says the tour will be based at a 4-star hotel near Peebles where he stayed recently and found it very comfortable. The tour will include a visit to the Jim Clark Museum. SF July 2022
Event information
& Update
MG40 - Big Birthday Bash
Together with the Club's Registers this two-day MG 40 Celebration event will be located on a site adjacent to Toddington station in Gloucestershire. It covers the MG models launched in the 40 post-Abingdon years and is on a steam railway line running to the north east of Cheltenham. The event covers two days, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July, when the RV8 will be celebrated as one of the post-Abingdon MGs.
SF July 2022
More & More

National Trust Day Visit to The Workhouse at Southwell - event cancelled
Thursday 9th June 2022
Ken Clayton has arranged a group visit to The Workshouse in Southwell in Nottinghamshire. Built in 1824, The Workhouse is the best preserved example of the hundreds of workhouses built across the country. To join the visit, contact Ken Clayton and book a place. Please note this Booking Form must be completed and returned to the Organisers of the event. Parking and the cafe open from 10.30am. A group visit with guided tour to be arranged from 11.30am onwards. SF June 2022
Event information

Lunch at the cafe at the Hook Norton Brewery
Friday 10th June 2022 at noon

Visit one of the finest tower breweries in the UK and enjoy a lunch at their cafe (Malthouse Kitchen) on the Friday of the Club's annual MGLive! weekend meeting at Silverstone. Lunch there is a tradition many V8 members enjoy. The cafe offers a menu of light bites, sandwiches and mains made from locally sourced produce. Do book early to avoid disappointment as Friday is a popular day for lunch there! SF June 2022
Information & booking details
V8 Marquee at MGLive! 2022
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th June 2022
Alongside Clive Wheatley’s MGV8 replacement parts stall in the V8 Marquee, V8 members will be able to enjoy meeting up with plenty of room to sit and enjoy their refreshments. On Sunday we have the V8 Annual General Meeting at noon when four new volunteers are standing for election to the V8 Committee. SF June 2022
V8 Marquee briefing & V8 AGM notice/reports
V8 Scottish Borders Tour 2022
Friday 9th to Monday 12th September 2022

The next V8 Tour will be in the Scottish Borders and is planned to give a taste of the attractions of this interesting area which classic car enthusiasts enjoy touring. Tour organiser Tony Smith says the tour will be based at a 4-star hotel near Peebles where he stayed recently and found it very comfortable. The tour will include a visit to the Jim Clark Museum. SF June 2022
Event information
MGBGTV8 hazard warning switch failure
Peter Spurrs reports the failure of his hazard warning light switch during recent routine checks. He moved the switch to the ON position and all four lights came on as normal. On turning the switch to the OFF position Peter noticed some resistance and no click. In V8NOTE640 he explains what he found. SF June 2022
V8NOTE640 & V8NOTE603
Good news - replacement RV8 rear lamp is available
Many RV8 owners have endured the frustration of having a broken rear lamp and, being unable to get a replacement, have in some cases not been able to get an MOT pass so they can take their car out on public roads. The good news is RV8 enthusiast Jim Greenhill and RV8 spares specialist Clive Wheatley have made good progress in getting a new supply of RV8 rear lamps made using modern 3D printing technology and hand crafting the backing. Also it's fortunate that the RV8 rear lamp is not handed. Clive Wheatley has received his first batch of the RV8 rear lamp new units. SF June 2022
Want to replace your brake servo?
Some years ago with reports of faults with servos leading to a rapid loss of brakes, we ran a campaign to encourage members to replace their brake servo as a preventative measure. Brown & Gammons supported the campaign with a very good offer to supply and fit a new replacement Lockheed servo. Brown & Gammons have now made a special offer to supply a replacement brake servo for the MGBGTV8 model at a discounted price of £195 plus VAT (£234.00) until the end of April 2022 or while stocks last. With the normal price of £209 plus VAT (£250.80) that's a useful saving. They can of course offer a fitting service too if that is needed. SF May 2022
B&G webpage & V8 brake servo failure cauton
Refurbishing an RV8 brake servo at Past Parts
John Cumming adds he had his RV8 brake cylinder and servo refurbished in May 2020 by a specialist, Past Parts in Bury St Edmunds. John says "they renewed all the rubber parts in the cylinders including the slave cylinder and anodised them in gold passivate. They also anodised the throttle frame on the plenum chamber that holds the throttle cable. The cost was £470 including VAT which was not cheap but worthwhile". Past Parts also offer "rebuild and return" services are for the Brake Master Cylinder, Rear Wheel Cylinder as well as for the Brake Servo mentioned above. Past Parts website SF May 2022
V8 Scottish Borders Tour 2022
The next V8 Tour will be from Friday 9th September to Monday 12th September 2022 in the Scottish Borders and is planned to give a taste of some of the attractions in this attractive and interesting area which classic car enthusiasts can enjoy touring. Tour organiser Tony Smith says the tour will be based at a 4 star hotel near Peebles. and will include a visit to the Jim Clark Museum.
See full details and booking arrangements SF May 2022
MGLive! 2022 - Hook Norton lunch on Friday, V8 Marquee Saturday & Sunday & V8 AGM at noon on Sunday
Lunch at 12.15pm at the cafe at Hook Norton Brewery. In the V8 Marquee at MGLive! alongside Clive Wheatley's MGV8 replacement parts stall in the V8 Marquee, V8 members will be able enjoy meeting up with plenty of room to sit and enjoy their refreshments. On Sunday we have the V8 Annual General Meeting at noon in the V8 Marquee when four new volunteers are standing for election to the V8 Committee. Formal notice of the V8 AGM SF May 2022
See details of the Hook Norton lunch and the V8 Marquee at MGLive!
& Volunteers needed to help in the V8 Marquee
RV8 replacement aluminium radiator
Julian Drew explains that he purchased an aluminium Radtec radiator for his RV8 last September because he was a little concerned that the relevant standard replacements available were probably units that had been refurbished a number of times already. Having experienced a couple of poor examples he felt a new fabricated unit the way to go. This article has been released as RV8NOTE475. SF April 2022 More
Future V8 Tours
Ken Clayton (V8 Tour Coordinator) reports that there is exciting news: a V8 Member has very kindly stepped forward to run the forthcoming V8 Tour 2022. Further details will be announced on the V8 Website, in due course. Future V8 Tours need volunteers to step forward to plan and arrange them. We now need a volunteer to step forward to run a V8 Tour in 2023 so if you are tentatively interested, Ken would encourage you to contact him to discuss how you can help to run that tour. His contacts are on our contacts webpage. SF April 2022
Contacts webpage
V8 AGM at MGlive!
The V8 AGM 2022 will be held on Sunday 12th June 2022 at noon in the V8 Marquee at MGLive! at Silverstone. The formal notice will appear in Safety Fast! and a copy can be seen on the V8 Website. Nominations from new volunteers are welcome to take up tasks and roles as members of the V8 Committee team. Already four members have done so: Keith Belcher (Pricewatch team), Peter Berry (V8 Scribe), Peter Ellis (workshop notes editor) and Duglad MacNeill (V8 Registrar). Victor Smith has to stand down as V8 Chairman at the V8 AGM as it will be the end of his term. See the formal notice and more information on the meeting and nominations. SF April 2022 Notice & Further information
Replacing a faulty bullet connector on an MGBGTV8
Jim Livingstone feels this note may seem trivial but the circumstances at the time the problem occurred (on the eve of his departure for a visit to Australia) made the failure of this simple bullet connection quite dramatic. The observed symptom was a failure to restart after a short stop. The cause was not immediately obvious and as the light was fading the breakdown service was summoned. It took all the detective skills of the RAC technician to eventually trace the source to an open circuit in the connection between the main harness and the rear harness just forward of the brake and clutch master cylinders. This article has been released as V8NOTE636. SF April 2022 More
Maintaining the brakes and servo on an MGBGTV8
Recently Keith Belcher found a copy of the Lockheed brakes manual he had received in 1974 from the Parts & Service Division at Automotive Products Group (AP) in Banbury, with the handwritten note on the cover sheet noting it "also covers MGB, MGBGT & MGBGTV8 1973 onwards". He was unsure whether a Lockheed type 6 or 7 vacuum servo was fitted to an MGBGTV8 but our parts guru Peter Beadle clarified "that according to the Factory MGB Workshop Manual AKD3259, the servo is a BHA 5076 single line remote Type 6 servo fitted to chrome bumper MGBs and early rubber bumper MGBs and all MGBGT V8s". SF April 2022
Copy of the AP Lockheed brakes manual & Servo failure cautionary note & Brake servo working note & New servo & Offer
MG-40 Celebration event
The Club's Registers covering the MG models launched in the 40 post-Abingdon years are supporting this two day MG 40 Celebration event which will be located on a site adjacent to Toddington station which is on the Gloucestershire to Warwickshire steam railway line running to the north east of Cheltenham. Three MGV8s were launched after Abingdon closed, not least the RV8 which will see the 30th anniversary of its launch in 1992 with the main production underway in 1993. This promises to be a great weekend with plenty on offer for the modern MG owner. The organisers say "that due to the restrictions on car parking the site can take 250 vehicles per day - please select either Saturday or Sunday, regretfully we will not be able to swap days". Tickets can be booked online. SF April 2022 More & Tickets
Replacement RV8 rear lamps are coming
Many RV8 owners have endured the frustration of having a broken rear lamp and being unable to get a replacement so have in some cases not been able to get an MOT pass and take their car out on public roads. The good news is RV8 enthusiast Jim Greenhill and RV8 spares specialist Clive Wheatley are making good progress in getting a new suppy of RV8 rear lamps made using modern 3D printing technology. The first batch of the new units will be available soon and details of how to get one will be released promptly on the V8 website and on the V8 Bulletin Board. Priority will be given to V8 Members with a damaged RV8 rear lamp unit which has caused an MOT failure. SF April 2022 News of availability
Choose anti-freeze for classic cars carefully
The "All Party Parliamentary Historic Vehicles Group" has a website with a news item that says: "When you next re-fill or top up your classic car with anti-freeze, take care. Most stores and garages now sell red anti-freeze, which lasts longer. However, it also can attack seals, gaskets and hoses used in classic and historic vehicles. So, don't put your car at risk, avoid the red stuff at all costs and stick to the more traditional blue or green varieties". SF March 2022 More
& Tony Lake's advice & FBHVC advice
RV8 rear lamp offered at an eye-watering £1,500!
Several V8 members have spotted an RV8 rear lamp unit offered for sale on eBay at £1,500! The seller notes: "Used MG RV8 rear light unit no longer made, this is likely the only one in the world for sale currently". The advert adds "Extremely rare item, all tooling for this unique part was destroyed by the engineering company. You will see this item is advertised by two UK suppliers, however they have had no stock for over 3 years, and no-one is manufacturing this item now so they will not have any stock in the near future. This is likely the only one available in the world for sale right now." As an update on the seller's ill-informed claim there is in fact good progress being made by Clive Wheatley and a fellow RV8 enthusiast with their hard work of making a new RV8 rear lamp unit so a supply of the units is now very likely to be available in the next four weeks or so. SF March 2022 More
Replacement for an Otter switch
Tony Head provided information on a Febi Bilstein switch as an alternative part he had used as a replacement for the Otter switch on his MGBGTV8. He was fed up with the high cost of replacement Otter radiator fan switches so when his last one failed about four years ago he substituted a Febi Bilstein 28675 radiator switch, as fitted to early VW Golfs and many other cars. In this note Tony explains how he fitted the replacement and later did tests to determine the ON at 93C and OFF at 83C temperatures for the Febi switch. SF February 2022 More
Stunning RV8 in Flame Red
A stunning RV8 in the rare Flame Red body colour was sold in 2021 by longstanding V8 member David Franklin. It was an early 1993 UK specification car and one of only 16 in that colour. With 64,000 miles many extras, including a wind deflector, it was in an outstanding condition with a full service history. The previous owner in Somerset had the car for eight years and before that it was enjoyed by an owner in Dorset. SF January 2022 More
V8 in Sorento
During a visit to Sorento John Upton was following his satnav and ended up in a narrow street which was a tight fit! He mentions he read the article on MGBGTV8 models in the September issue of Safety Fast! and couldn't resist buying one. John purchased the car in the UK in 1992 and took it back to Malawi, Central Africa, where he worked before retiring to France. SF January 2022
See: MGBGTV8 in Malawi & MGBGTV8 goes to a wedding in Sorento & MGBGTV8 relaxing in France
Why did the temperature gauge go near the red and lead to a breakdown recovery!
Victor Smith describes how his MGBGTV8 had an overheating problem which resulted in a breakdown recovery. An investigation revealed a coolant leak. The Gasket for the Inlet Manifold GEG665 was found to be the source of the coolant leak, so the manifold had to be removed. The article has two further accounts of members who experienced overheating - Ralph Hardwick and Peter Berry - who describe what they found. SF December 2021 See the full article
E11 Type Approval Label
It was a long and painstaking process, but Rob Rose finally succeeded in tracking down all the variants of the E11 Type Approval Label. For MGB enthusiasts who want to maintain the originality of their car replacement labels are now available from Rob. For durability the replicas have been produced in 60-micron Polymeric Vinyl with a semi matt finish. They are sold in pairs (to provide one as a spare) and are available at £9.95 inclusive of postage and packing. For orders or enquiries and payment options, contact Rob Rose by email at SF December 2021
Future V8 Tours
Future V8 Tours need volunteers to step forward to plan and arrange them and so far Ken Clayton (V8 Tours Coordinator) has had no V8 member step forward to offer to run a V8 Tour in 2022. He adds that "without an offer I am afraid there will be no V8 Tour in 2022 so please do contact me if you wish to discuss what is involved". SF December 2021 Ken's contacts are available here
Buying an "Exceptional" condition MG RV8?
When MG RV8s appear for sale as "Exceptional" examples, often with less than 10,000 to 15,000 miles, a check of the MOT history on the GOV.UK website can reveal the mileages at each test. That can show whether the car has had long lay-up periods. If a buyer wants to enjoy using a car, even for 3,000 miles a year, these "Exceptional" examples will usually need substantial recommissioning work including checks on not least safety issues like the brake hydraulics and seals and replacing ageing tyres. Unless an Exceptional car is bought as a "trophy" to be kept locked away in a protective carcoon or in museum conditions, in many ways a good Condition 1 RV8 which has had moderate annual use and regular maintenance provides better value for money for the real enthusiast. SF December 2021
& Updated MGV8 market review & price guide
MGBGT - tailgate removal and fitting a new outer seal
When V8 owner Jim Livingstone (Glacier White 1810) was caught in a sudden downpour it soon became apparent that his tailgate was leaking. Investigation failed to reveal a serious problem in either the inner or outer seal and as the car's use is restricted to dry weather, so further action was deferred. However the visible surface of the outer seal had looked perished since the car's purchase and a new one was obtained in preparation for its ultimate replacement. See Jim's full, illustrated article. SF December 2021 More
V8 Kent Tour 2021 & Cult V8 models available
The V8 Kent Tour 2021 took place during September and organiser Ian Quarrington reports it was very heavily over-subscribed. Members were keen to meet up again after the lockdown restrictions were lifted after a very long period during which the tour had been postponed from 2020 several times. Tudur Jones enjoyed a once in a lifetime opportunity to play the newly installed Organ at Canterbury Cathedral. Two new Cult Scale Models of the Factory MGV8 were available in September, one in Harvest Gold and the other in Bracken. Martin Ashby has provided an interesting photo of his new Cult model alongside his own V8 (Bracken 1346). Steve Bowley bought the Harvest Gold model to go with an existing Black model he had. Steve feels the new Cult V8 model does not have enough detail to justify the current price of £180 to £200. SF November 2021 More
Effects of Ethanol on an MGBGTV8
It is now 18,000 miles since Barrie Jones completed a total restoration of his MGBGTV8 (Damask 0450) which he reported in great detail about 8 years ago. Having used E5 petrol for the past 8 years he thought it was about time he would make a thorough inspection of every rubber component in the fuel system. This note describes what he found. It's applicable to all the Factory V8s made between 1973 and 1976 and it also applies to the majority of 1800cc MGBs made between 1973 and 1980.

SF November 2021
Successful joint Triumph & MG event at Malvern
With MGLive! 2021 cancelled again, an alternative major event was held where the MG Car Club joined the Triumph clubs (TR Register and TSSC) at what was the largest outdoor Triumph and MG Show. It was held on the Malvern Show Ground at the foot of the Malvern Hills and celebrated all things Triumph and MG. With plenty of room at the showground with display halls including the Severn Hall with the Register stands and display cars, parking areas for each Triumph and MG model, a central arena with a programme of events, the California Cup event and good catering facilities it was a welcome opportunity to meet up with fellow MG enthusiasts and also meet Triumph owners too. SF October 2021 See a photo report on the event
& V8 AGM report
Could the RV8 have had PAS?
Shortly after the launch of the RV8, MG Rover recognised power steering might be a welcome option for RV8 buyers, so in 1994 approached a specialist company, Steering Developments at Hemel Hempstead, to undertake a PAS conversion. A dealer demonstration RV8, Oxford Blue 900025 registered as K17 MGR, was made available for the exercise and by early October 1994 the installation was completed. The vehicle was returned to Maelin Evans at the Cowley MGR sales office with a report highlighting the major problem posed by the RV8 which was a lack of space available to accommodate the more bulky replacement steering rack, the additional pump and mounting bracket. It was good to see this RV8 at Malvern with the present owner Tony Smith.

SF October 2021
Stunning V8 Roadster in Inca Yellow on the V8 Stand at Malvern
Recently completed by Ralph Hardwick his V8 Roadster was the display car by the V8 Stand in the main display hall at Malvern. With its strikingly bold colour it attracted a great deal of interest from many visitors throughout the long weekend. With a Heritage shell it has Hoyle front and rear independent rear suspension upgrades, rear disc brakes, a Vitesse 5 speed Mazda gearbox, an injected engine, 15 inch alloy wheels and the larger front brake callipers. SF October 2021 Photo
MGBGTV8 models
Peter Ellis mentioned he has seen two new 1/18 scale model V8s are coming out in September 2021, one in Harvest Gold and the other in Bracken. Both are described on the Cult Scale Models' website as "1973" models but they have the rear number plate illuminators mounted on the top of the bumper and not in the side of the overrider as you see on the cars in the early months of production. At 1/18 scale the models are quite large at around 8.7" long (21.7cm) and 3.3" wide (8.5cm). Prices vary from about £170 to just over £200 each! SF September 2021
News of V8 models in September
& Existing models from Universal Hobbies
E10 petrol from 1st September
From 1st September 2021 all forecourts in the UK will be required to sell new E10 unleaded petrol as standard containing up to 10% bioethanol in each litre from the pump. Currently unleaed across the UK contains 5% ethanol and is labelled E5. The new E10 fuel will be labelled E10 on the petrol pump. A key point to be aware of is that the "E5" logo on a fuel pump indicates the fuel has up to 5% ethanol including fuels that contain no ethanol. So in some cases, Esso Synergy Supreme+ 99 Unleaded for example, the fuel has no ethanol. See our earlier news item on this fuel from Esso. SF September 2021
NEWS on E10 & Ethanol free petrol from Esso & What is the extra cost of using Esso Premium?
Accelerator pedal lubrication
The routine maintenance summary states 'Lubricate accelerator control linkage and pedal pivot - check operation' every 6,000 miles. For the last seven years Peter Spurrs had dripped some oil onto the pivot in the hope that it would run through to the bearing surfaces. At the latest service, he decided to give the pivot a full inspection and lubricate it properly. SF August 2021 V8NOTE629
Fitting power steering to an MGBGTV8 or RV8
It's a topic often raised by V8 enthusiasts so here we have a "gateway webpage" to the useful information on the V8 website. 210708
PAS information gateway
Three day event at Malvern
The Triumph & MG Weekend event at the Three Counties Showground at Malvern (13th to 15th August) is an opportunity to meet up with fellow enthusiasts after a lengthy period with lockdown constraints. The V8 Register will have a stand in the exhibition area (Severn Hall) where there will be a display of Anniversary Cars. We also have the V8 AGM there at noon on Saturday 14th August 2021. 210708
Information on the event
& V8 AGM 2021 info sheet
Options with corrosion on Dunlop composites
The original wheels fitted to the MGBGTV8 model were a composite wheel with an alloy centre (with ten raised trapezoidal cut outs) mated to a chromed steel rim. Over time the recess, where the inner edge of the steel rim is attached to the alloy centre, can attract rust and if it's not controlled that corrosion can develop to an extent the wheels are in a sad state and need refurbishment. So what are the options with Dunlop composites in need of refurbishment or more serious restoration? Here we look at the current situation and what options are available. SF July 2021 More & Options chart
Dunlop Formula "D" wheels - give your car real personality!
The origins of the Dunlop composite wheel, with an alloy centre with 10 trapezoidal holes and a chromed steel rim, is a particularly strong wheel and in the 1970s it was the type of feature you would have more likely seen on exotic sports cars. They advertised them as their "Formula D4 alloy/steel composite wheel" to "give your car real personality!" In 1973 MG chose these distinctive wheels for their new V8 powered MGBGT model launched in August that year. In this article we have copies of several of Dunlop's adverts in 1970. SF July 2021 More

Updated 6 monthly MGV8 market and price review
As the various regions in the UK move out of lockdown, advertising and sales activity is likely to increase again when it's very likely more MGV8s will be seen on offer through adverts, traders' showrooms and at auctions with greater sales activity, particularly when seasonal interest in classic cars tends to rise in any case. Our charts provide a useful indication of current prices for the MGBGTV8 and MGRV8 models. The guide is also useful for reviewing the agreed value for your insurance renewal. SF Jun 2021 More
V8 AGM at Malvern
The V8 AGM 2021 will be held at noon on Saturday 14th August 2021 in he Friesen Pavilion at the Triumph & MG Weekend event at the Malvern Three Counties Showground. SF Jun 2021
Formal notice and agenda
& info of the Malvern event & location of Friesen Pavilion
Enjoying memorable routes
As we emerge from the lockdown constraints many fellow enthusiasts will be keen to drive their MGV8s again and enjoy being out and about visiting interesting places. A useful source of routes is our Memorable MG Routes series with one over the Berkshire Downs and on through Faringdon to
Hook Norton, one down to Goodwood in West Sussex, another round the old Factory test route near Abingdon and three wonderful touring routes in the NW Highlands. SF Jun 2021 More
Satnav air vent grille mount and satnav choice to beat the traffic congestion
A convenient way of mounting a satnav away from the windscreen in an MGV8 or a daily driver car is one of Garmin's air vent grille mounts. Which? magazine recently highlighted a budget satnav which has useful live traffic features which can help you get round traffic congestion. Their budget
choice was the Garmin Drive 51LMT-S with a 5 inch TFT LCD touchscreen, preloaded maps for UK, ROI and Europe, speed camera alerts, free lifetime map updates and free lifetime traffic updates to help you plan your route.
SF May 2021 More
MGBGTV8 on the North Coast 500
Richard Watton enjoyed the North Coast 500 route in his V8 a couple of years ago, stopping at John O'Groats. His journey took him along a Memorable MG Route around the Wester Ross Trail in the NW Highlands from Dornie (near Kyle of Lochalsh) to Ullapool passing Loch Ewe with the village of Altbea. Then on through Assynt and on to Sutherland and along the top of Scotland via Tongue to John O'Groats which he reached on a fine day. SF May 2021 More & MMGRs
Door mirror instability
Peter Spurrs found the two door mirror fixings on his MGBGTV8 were unstable. Here is how he solved the problem.
SF April 202
1 More
Interior light intermittent fault
MGB owners find the interior light often fails to illuminate when a door is opened on their MGBGTV8. Here is how to solve the problem. SF April 2021 More
Fuel duty remains frozen for the 11th year
Fuel duty has been held at 57.95p per litre for petrol and diesel since March 2011 and the freeze was continued in the Chancellor's recent Budget Statement. SF April 2021 More
E10 from September
All petrol stations in the UK will sell E10 fuel as the standard from September 2021. Whilst all petrol stations will sell E10 as the standard fuel, the older E5 will still be sold but as a more expensive super grade. That will enable owners of classic cars to use the less damaging fuel for their cars. SF April 2021 More
Warranty claims during RV8 production
Some interesting information has been revealed from recently obtained archive material with RV8 warranty claims records. SF April 2021 More

Best scratch remover
Which? magazine reports their Best Buy car scratch remover product was Autoglym Scratch Removal Kit. It produced the best results on the scratches they tested it on and left the best finish, even after washing the paintwork with car shampoo. SF April 2021 More
Unique MGB GT RV8 uncovered
A stunning MGV8 has been uncovered - it was specially commissioned in the 1990s by the then managing director of British Motor Heritage (BMH). It was built on a brand-new Heritage MGB GT rubber bumper bodyshell with RV8 front and rear bumpers. The rest of the car - engine, gearbox, running gear and interior -- is predominantly RV8. The car has had two previous owners since it was built and has been used sparingly, covering only 7,800 miles. See our feature article and photos. SF March 2021
Early RV8 goes to Europe
David Franklin reports a beautiful RV8 in Flame Red, one of the first twenty production RV8s built in 1993, has been sold to an enthusiast in the Netherlands. It's one of only 16 in this bold colour and a UK spec car from new. Photos SF March 2021

Gate 3 at the MG Plant
One of our founder members of the V8 Register in 1978, John Dupont, has sent in some photos of his visiting Gate 3 at the MG Plant in Abingdon two days after the Plant closed for the last time. See our"Looking back" series. Looking back SF March 2021

Using a battery conditioner or a battery charger
Nic Houslip highlights the differences between a battery conditioner and a more traditional battery charger and the care you need to take with a charger. More SF February 2021
See also our articles on related topics:
What are the popular battery conditioners for a classic car? Link
Members’ feedback of their choice of conditioner. Link
Wall mounting a battery conditioner. Link
Prudent safety measures with electrical devices on a classic car during a lay-up. Link

V8 has a good home
Many MGBGTV8s have had an interesting life and Malcolm Nicholls’ car is no exception. The history of the car is revealed by Malcolm. See his original article written on behalf of his V8. More SF January 2021

V8 Mug for lockdown tea and coffee breaks
When recovering from lockdown in mid-Winter a warm cup of tea or coffee is a welcome sight and for that we have an ideal medium sized bone china mug with an encouraging message for MGV8 enthusiasts. It’s available now as a special seasonal offer at only £9.95 each including UK post and packagingand VAT. Visit the online V8 Shop. SF December 2020
Routine engine oil change on a V8
With lower use of their MGV8 during the Covid restrictions some owners may have deferred routine vehicle servicing and may be concerned over possible consequences. Clearly the safety related aspects of servicing must not be overlooked and the regular inspection of brakes, tyres, suspension and steering should be resumed as soon as possible but here Jim Livingstone seeks to address the less safety critical consequences of deferring an engine oil change. See V8NOTE609 & RV8NOTE464 SF December 2020
Repositioning the rocker cover bracket on an MGBGTV8
Jim Livingstone had noticed on the rare occasions he had removed the centre bolt in the air filter centre housing that he always experienced difficulty refitting it. He found the cause was misalignment between the air filter and its mounting bracket on the rocker cover caused by the bracket being tightened in the wrong sequence during a previous assembly. See his full article. More SF December 2020
AC DELCO repair manual
The service manual covers fault diagnosis, the removal and dismantling procedure, component testing and the reassembly procedure. The 46 page manual is a useful reference and a copy is now available for V8 Register members. More SF December 2020
V8 Face Masks
With 95% polyester and 5% Spandex and elastic loops that fit comfortably around the ears. More SF December 2020
40 years ago - V8 Register Journal published in Summer 1980
A neat A5 sized book packed with useful maintenance tips for the MGBGTV8 model. On the cover is Chris Dodds, an early member of the V8 Register in Australia. Tragically he died far too early in life but the V8 Register maintains his memory with an annual award. It was the third publication following the formation of the V8 Register in October 1978 which was followed by the first V8 AGM held in May 1979 on the Sunday of the Club's annual meeting at Silverstone. At that time the first volume of the V8 Workshop Notes was well underway and soon to be published as the "First Fifty". More SF December 2020
Fitting a grille badge to an RV8
Soon after getting an RV8, Paul Wilson joined the Club in June 2020 and purchased the small grille badge. In a post on the V8 Bulletin Board he sought help saying “the apertures in the grille on the RV8 seem to be just too small to permit the folding ‘wings’ of the badge to slip through. Short of bending and ruining the integrity of the front grille, is there an alternative way to secure your badge?” Here Marion Quarrington explains how she fitted a grille badge to her RV8. More SF December 2020
Buying an MGV8
Which is the better choice when looking to get an MGV8 - a high priced, low mileage example or a well maintained car with a moderate mileage of more than 60,000 miles? In many ways the justification for the premium for a low mileage car can be doubtful because an MGV8 that has had such low use, sometimes with extended periods in a lay-up, can develop problems that require considerable expense when recommissioning them for even modest use. More SF November 2020
Cooling system pressure testing and leak detection on the MGBGTV8
In a new V8 Workshop Note Jim Livingstone explains the issues which need to be addressed if sealing the MGBV8 engine cooling system is to be successful as it is challenging as the system includes a large variety of joints both bolted and clipped. More SF November 2020
Next updated MGV8 market reviews and price guides
Our next six monthly market reviews and price guides will be prepared at the end of October from an analysis of the data gathered by our Pricewatch team over the last six months. The review and guide will be released in early November on the V8 Website. The current six months have been an extraordinary period with classic car auctions moving in various ways from physical events to online auctions. MGV8s have appeared for sale, particularly online, and clearly sales have been seen but inevitably during the lockdown period with Covid restrictions on non-essential travel, few potential buyers made trips to inspect cars for sale offered by private or trade sellers. But with the gradual easing of restrictions auction activity has continued but uncertainties do seem to be slowing buyer interest and activity. See our market reviews and price guides released in early May 2020. SF October 2020
RV8 rear lamp repair
A useful RV8NOTE has been contributed by Aidan Pavey in Australia who had his rear lamp damaged in an accident. As he still had the damaged lamp, and as they are in short supply, he thought that he might try and repair it. His note describes what was a "repair journey". See the full three page article here. RV8NOTE460 SF September 2020
V8 AGM 2020 online on Sunday 2nd August 2020 - information and links
Information will be released here: first the formal notice of the online V8 AGM 2020 with the agenda and then the various reports, including the V8 Register's accounts for 2019 with the V8 Treasurer's report, and the nominations of Members wishing to stand for election to the V8 Committee. An online voting form will be available so Members of the V8 Register will be able to vote on the nominations and on any resolutions and/or matters arising as items on the agenda. See the formal notice of the V8 AGM 2020. Other information and links will be available on the V8 AGM 2020 information webpage 200621 & 200712 V8AGM report. 200805
Fitting an air intake grille
Peter Spurrs found his fresh air intake chamber was full of debris and was starting to rust. He needed to find a way of gaining access to the grille surround to fit a mesh grille as a useful upgrade. In his article he describes how he tackled the job. V8NOTE596 SF August 2020
Balancing the idle speed on MGBGTV8 carburettors
Many articles have been written on the topic of balancing the idle speed on SU carburettors and just as many suppliers have come up with products to synchronise two or more of these admirable instruments. With the exception of the tube in the ear method they require expenditure on a specialised tool which will lie unused in a toolbox for months if not years on end. Jim Livingstone feels that if you are not happy with the subjectivity of the tube in the ear approach, then the following method combines minimalism with objectivity. V8NOTE597 SF August 2020
Giving a second life to a worn wiper drive
The Lucas rack and gear wiper drive was a popular fitment on British post war cars. It had packaging and cost advantages but suffered from premature wear due to the high loads on the gears and has been superseded nowadays by the crank and link mechanism. However, it did have one unique advantage: inbuilt redundancy. Jim Livingstone first discovered this in the sixties when investigating why the wipers in his Mini overshot the screen edges. In his article he describes how this service item is carried out. V8NOTE598 SF August 2020
Evolution of the MGB wiper arm and rubber blades
A seemingly standard part on MGBs and derivatives has an interesting history and Peter Beadle explains how the part has evolved over the years. V8NOTE599 SF August 2020
V8 on the North Yorkshire moors
Mike Breedon has had MGBGTV8s since 1983, including his Factory chrome bumper model (Blaze 0796) which he bought in 1984 and still owns. He has been active in motorsport for many years and used Blaze 0796 as his road car and raced it in the MG Car Club's BCV8 Championship from 1984 to 1997. It was driven to every race track he raced at in that time including three "annual" races at Zandvoort (Holland) and Zolder (Belgium). V8 August 2020 More & Stanage Edge in Derbyshire
See aerial view of Ribblehead Viaduct, one of Mike's favourite routes with his MGBGTV8.
Overhauling a fuse box
Jim Livingstone had found the fusebox on his MGBGTV8 has had intermittent problems with the glass fuses since he acquired the car a few years ago. He decided to give originality and glass fuses a last chance with the purchase of a new box from a reputable supplier. See a full article in which Jim sets out the overhaul step by step. V8NOTE592 SF July 2020
E10 fuel and water
With the extended lay-up of many classic cars because of the lock down, concerns over moisture getting into fuel in tanks may arise. Tony Lake explains the issues and highlights some myths in a concise note. He also suggests reading "Fuel for Thought", first published in the Spring 2013 issue of Motoring Classics by BMH Ltd (Witney) and copies of the reports on E10 from EPA (the US Environmental Protection Agency) and Mercury Marine. See E10 fuel and water SF July 2020
EPA report & Fuel for Thought
& Mercury Marine report & E5 available for 5 more years
Refurbishing the ash tray
Peter Spurrs has a useful refurbishment tip following his refurbishment of the ash tray in his 1973 MGBGTV8. He says "the last owner had spread pebble dash on it with a whitewash brush. For the last few years I have put up with a moulded plastic tray, but decided that it didn't really fill the bill. When I got back down to the metal, it was all quite pitted and needed to be painted. That job duly done, I needed to find some springs for under the lid." See the full article. SF June 2020
Replacement windscreen wipers
Tony Lake found that with driving in the bad weather and muddy roads in March it showed up his wipers for what they were - shot. They looked alright but close inspection showed the wiping edge of the blade had detached from the heavier section in the middle on one blade and at the end on the other. He had always used Bosch as they are very flexible and wipe well and got them from Halfords. I found Bosch SP13 blades online in the original Satin Black colour and bought a pair which arrived promptly.
See the full article SF May 2020
Updates on events
With the restrictions on mass gatherings and social distancing requirements because of C-19 the situation with both V8 Register and Club events is changing to follow Government guidance and instructions. Follow this link for updates on our Recent Changes webpage. SF May 2020 Recent Changes
Catch-up with recent news
Since the copy for the April 2020 V8 Newsletter was sent off to the Editor in early March a great deal has happened, not least with the Government's directions for self isolation, reduced contacts and avoiding mass gatherings because of COVID-19. For visitors to this "More" webpage you can see links to all our more recent news items on our Recent Changes webpage.
H4 headlamp upgrade
Using the available replacements -a budget unit or thegood quality Wipac, Cibie orLucas units. They take a 60/55W standard Halogen bulb or you can use Zenon 60/55W bulbs which produce 90% more light”. Installing DRLs in replacement H4 Halogen MGBGTV8 headlamps. See V8NOTE572 and V8NOTE573. SF April 2020
Comparing halogen lamps with sealed beams and Holden video and checklist of components and
H4 headlamp unit and parts for the 2-adjuster unit
Bulb upgrades
Many MGBGTV8 car owners who have a installed replacement H4 Halogen headlamps as an upgrade to improve the visibility ahead at night from the relatively poor lighting provided by the original sealed beam units will need to choose suitable bulbs. But which bulb will be the question for many? Chris Hunt Cooke has found a useful website - ABD - Automotive Brilliance, Delivered - with information that helps clarify the headlight bulb options. See V8NOTE578. SF April 2020 More
Are LED bulbs legal?
Aftermarket LED bulbs are not road legal according to the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations as they are not E marked. Sections 4 & 5 state that dipped beam and main beam headlights are required to have an approval mark - usually E mark or a British Standard mark. See V8NOTE581. SF April 2020 More
Fitting relays
The advisability of fitting relays to the main and dipped beam headlight circuits is covered in detail elsewhere. It boils down to an electrical load of 10 amps being fed through the very small contacts on the indicator/dip stalk switch. Using modern relays to switch the load on and off avoids possible damage to the ageing switches. SF April 2020
See V8NOTE577 and V8NOTE582 and using relays
Stove enamel refurb option for Dunlop composites
With Motor Wheel Services at Slough ceasing their specialist wheel refurbishment service for Dunlop composites a few years ago there are few if any other firms with the necessary skills and high standards prepared to carry out a full refurbishment service, so what are your options with corroded wheels? The stove enamel refurburbishment option is one many MGBGTV8 owners will have to consider if their Dunlop composites are badly corroded. SF April 2020 See stove enamel refurb and options/V8NOTE575
New update options for sets of workshop notes
Three update options have been launched on the V8 Shop for members who have previously purchased a full set. SF March 2020
More and More
DfT consultation with concerns over petrol availability after 2035
The Prime Minister announced on 4th February 2020 that the UK Government is seeking views on bringing forward the end to the sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans from 2040 to 2035, or possibly earlier if a faster transition appears feasible. SF April 2020 See Government announcement and NEWS item and Public consultation document and E10 as standard grade fuel.
Visit to the Workhouse at Southwell in July
Ken Clayton has arranged a group visit to The Workshouse in Southwell in Nottinghamshire on Sunday 5th July 2020. Built in 1824, it is the best preserved example of the hundreds of workhouses built across the country. SF April 2020
Full information and booking details
Concerns with the relative visibility of classic cars
With the growth of bright Daytime Running Lights (DRLs) on modern cars, which have become much larger, the relative visibility of a car like an MGBGTV8 is becoming a real concern. When you drive on UK roads today you sense that MGV8 is much smaller than many modern cars which seem to get larger and larger - not to mention the explosion of the numbers of even larger SUVs and 4x4s. With the combination of these factors a classic car driver naturally feels concerned their car from the 1970s is less noticeable on a relative visibility basis. SF March 2020 More
What are the day time lighting options for a classic car?
The question for many MGV8 enthusiasts is what are the daytime lighting options? In an article released on the V8 Website we reviewed three options: using dipped headlights upgraded with Halogen bulbs and fitting DRLs either within the headlamps or as separate units in the grille or elsewhere. We have an article on installing DRLs in replacement H4 Halogen headlamp units using a rubber bumper reflector with a pilot light fitting for a sidelight which is used for the DRL. SF March 2020 More
Visit to the Workhouse at Southwell in July
Ken Clayton has arranged a group visit to The Workshouse in Southwell in Nottinghamshire on Sunday 5th July 2020. Built in 1824, it is the best preserved example of the hundreds of workhouses built across the country. SF March 2020
Full information and booking details
V8 Events in 2020 - V8 Curry at Knowle & Visit to the Workhouse at Southwell
See information below in the "More" section for the January 2020 issue for information and booking arrangements. SF February 2020
V8 Curry information & booking details
Visit to the Workshouse information & booking details
Blasting and coating suspension parts
On completely dismantling the front suspension and removing the sub-frame from his MGBGTV8 Conversion Chris Bound, he found it seemed solid but had a lot of surface rust on it, so he thought he might have it grit blasted and coated. But before taking that step he wondered about the options including etch priming and chassis paint, galvanising, powder coating or hot zinc spray. See the full article. SF February 2020 More
Keep your back axle breather clear
Ralph Hardwick recently purchased an MGBGTV8 and dropped it off with Brown & Gammons for a check over and service during which Ralph reports "they picked up a few issues, so it will remain there for a while until they are sorted. One issue they found was it appears that the rear axle breather was blocked - the resulting condensation build up together with having only covered 1,000 miles in the last seven years, has caused some corrosion and bearing issues". SF January 2020 More
Update: replacement brass back axle breathers available from Brown & Gammons. 200207 NEWS
V8 Curry at Knowle in February
Traditionally our first event of the year, the V8 Curry is on Saturday 8th February 2020 at the Lloyds Restaurant in Knowle, just west of Stoneleigh where the annual MG-Triumph spares show will be held the following day. SF January 2020
Full information and booking details
Visit to the Workhouse at Southwell in July
Ken Clayton has arranged a group visit to The Workshouse in Southwell in Nottinghamshire on Sunday 5th July 2020. Built in 1824, it is the best preserved example of the hundreds of workhouses built across the country. SF January 2020
Full information and booking details
V8 Kent Tour 2020 in September
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based near Tenterden in Kent from Monday 21st to Friday 25th September 2020. The week's activities and visits will include trips to Canterbury, Rochester, and Chatham to include the famous dockyard, Leeds Castle, Winston Churchill's home at Chartwell, Sissinghurst House and two other National Trust properties, plus a full tour around the south and east coast of Kent. SF January 2020 Update: as the tour is now fully booked there is a standby list.
Full information and booking details
MGBGTV8 at NEC auction
An MGBGTV8 in Tundra listed in the auction catalogue as "an incredibly original V8 that has covered only 4,425 miles" with an estimate of £30,000 to £35,000 sold at the Silverstone auction held at the NEC Classic Car Show on Saturday 9th Novemver 2019. See our report on the auction result. SF December 2019 More
High priced V8s sold in 2019
In May this year an exceptional fully restored early V8 in Damask sold at the Historics auction at Brooklands £33,600 including buyer's commission and VAT which shattered its estimate" in the auction brochure - a surprisingly low £13,000 to £18,000. In October this year. another exceptional MGBGTV8 in Damask was sold at an SWVA auction for a total of £35,524 including buyer's commission and VAT, again shattering its estimate in the auction brochure - a surprisingly low £18,000 to £19,900. See our reports. SF December 2019 Report & Report
Updated MGV8 market review and price guide
Our six monthly update of our MGV8 market review and price guide was released early in November 2019. SF December 2019
See the updated review and guide
News from Retronics - an innovative auto electronics company
See our NEWS item on their all new Version 2 RWTM windscreen timer module, Hazard light kit and Wiper Timer Module for non self-parking wipers. See our report. SF December 2019 Report
A day with PRU
Keith Belcher had a call from a long time petrol-head friend in 2016 asking his opinion on an MGBGTV8 that had appeared for sale on the V8 Register website. Keith replied he had seen it at MGLive! 2016 and felt it was probably the best he had ever seen. It was Howard Guiney's multi award winning concours Factory V8 Teal Blue 0528. The next day his friend called and said "I have provisionally bought it. You know your MGs, would you go and check it over?" Keith agreed to go and inspect the car and drive it back from Northumberland. He recalls the day. SF December 2019 See Keith's two page article
MGBGTV8 replacement alternators
What are your options if your alternator on an MGBGTV8 is faulty or needs replacing? This is a question that is increasingly raised by fellow members. Peter Beadle, former parts manager with University Motors in Epsom at the time the model was launched and then in production and later with Moss, recalls "the AC DELCO was shorter in the body than the Lucas ACR alternator, which was then the standard unit used for the BL range of cars, and was used because MG had originally hoped to sell the V8 in the USA where AC DELCO was a US product. SF December 2019 More
Season specials from Clive Wheatley
Clive Wheatley has launched his season specials on his website with useful replacement parts that include V8 and RV8 rocker covers, a new RV8 expansion tank, V8 top and bottom silicon cooling hoses, V8 alternator cradle and EZ PAS kits all at attractive prices at
SF December 2019 NEWS
Reprint of MG RV8 - The Manufacturing Story
With continuing interest from MG RV8 owners wanting to get a copy of the book MG RV8 - The RV8 Manufacturing Story the V8 Register has commissioned another reprint which is on offer now. SF December 2019 Buy now
V8 Curry 2020 at Knowle
Our annual V8 Curry on Saturday 8th February, the evening before the Stoneleigh show on Sunday 9th, will be at the Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle which is a few miles to the west of Stoneleigh and just east of the M40. SF December 2019 More
Early RV8 on display at the NEC show
An early RV8 in Oxford Blue (VIN0024) was on display on the Club's stand at the end of season NEC Classic Car Show in November. It drew many visitors to the stand to look over the Connolly leather seats and Elm Burr trim which give the model such a luxury appearance and feel. The car had been carefully restored by Brown & Gammons and was then sold to an RV8 enthusiast, Marion Quarrington. SF December 2019 NEWS
V8 up for auction at the NEC
A Factory MGBGTV8 in Tundra, described as incredibly original with only 4,425 miles, is listed for auction at the NEC Classic Car Show in early November. The auction catalogue has an estimate of £30,000 to £35,000 and says "in May 2014 with just 4,059 miles, it was purchased by its most recent owner who has a penchant for totally original, low mileage classics and added it to his collection, storing it correctly and using it only occasionally. It will be interesting to see how the auction goes. SF November 2019 More
New method of making replacement parts
A new method of reproducing replacement parts, one that could recreate the panels and metal parts for any classic car no matter how rare, has appeared as a new innovation. Classic Car Weekly reported in a feature article last month that "Nissan says a panel, component or pressing can be remade as long as the drawings exist. If no drawings are available but a single part remains, it can be scanned and copied. SF November 2019 More
Memorable V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
Richard Withington reports brilliant Autumn sunshine was enjoyed by 35 members all in MGV8s as they began to explore Lincolnshire's rural roads over the long weekend 12th to 16th September visiting a variety of venues including the International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln Castle, Heckington Mill and Lincolnshire Aviation Museum. SF November 2019 More
Back axle surprise
Peter Nixon is restoring an MGB Roadster with a V8 conversion and on checking a second hand V8 back axle before installation he was surprised by what he found. He noticed a broken piece of a bronze thrust washer from the planet gears lying in the oil - not what one wants to see. As the remains of the planet gear thrust washers had signs of wear, there would also be wear in the sun gearing thrust washers, and this wear would produce a noticeable clunk from the rear on moving away. But there was more. See the full article. SF October 2019 More
Larger "Touring" fuel tank
Moss offers a "long range" touring fuel tank for £96 and says "this tank has a 13.3 gallon capacity and is compatible with the standard tank sender. The additional capacity of 1.3 gallons (10.8%) could produce a useful additional range of between 35 and 39 miles for an MGV8 averaging 27-30 mpg." See the full article. SF October 2019 More
Webasto sunroof
Chris Bound reports he found from a quick search on the internet that the well-known Webasto sunroof installations service provider "R&S Coachbuilts" has ceased trading and that the "Trimming Centre" in Lewes in Sussex is now the sole distributor of Tudor Webasto coachbuilt sunroofs worldwide. On their website they also offer a repair service for the Britax Weathersheild sunroofs. See the website NEWS item. SF October 2019 More
News for a rebuild
Mike Breedon took the brave step of bidding for a seriously neglected MGBGTV8 at an ACA auction earlier this year and has been stripping it down. Serious corrosion is everywhere but Mike has decided to cut out and replace all the rusted panels rather than go for a reshell as he wants to maintain the originality, but it is a relentless task. An uplifting moment came when Graham Hayman contacted Mike via the V8 Registrar saying "I have come across the restoration article on this V8 that I owned in 1983. I often wondered what had happened to it but was saddened to see the photos." SF September 2019 More
Future availability of "protection grade" E5
Recent press reports on the expected introduction of "cleaner E10 petrol" in the UK have made no mention of a lower ethanol alternative, known as the "protection grade", despite its widespread endorsement by the All-Party Historic Vehicle Group (APPHVG) at Westminster. Assurances over the future availability of "protection grade E5" from suppliers of bioethanol fuel seem to leave future scope for wriggle room. For a typical enthusiast doing between say 2,000 to 4,000 miles pa, the effect of a higher price for E5 97 of say 15p a litre could be between £38 and £76 pa. SF September 2019 More
Early RV8 sold to an RV8 enthusiast
An early RV8 in Oxford Blue (VIN 0024) has been sold by Brown & Gammons to an RV8 enthusiast, Marion Quarrington. B&G purchased the RV8 as a car in need of restoration from a father and son who had moved to Cheshire from Hertfordshire. It has been through their workshop and is now in "almost as new condition" with only 43,000 miles showing. Marion says says "I had always tried to use 2150 on my marshalling duties wherever they are in the country and see no reason why I should not use 0024 in the same way." SF August 2019 Article
V8 Technical Day 2019
With glorious weather in June and meeting at a study centre on a farm overlooking the River Thame near Watlington in Oxfordshire, the event was an opportunity for members to meet up and to enjoy presentations on interesting MGV8 technical topics. See our NEWS item with reports on each presentation. SF August 2019 NEWS item
RV8 parts news
Clive Wheatley has been beavering away sourcing replacement parts and is offering a new complete clutch kit for the RV8 with the new improved heavy duty steel carrier with bearing which replaces the plastic carrier that had given some problems." He adds the RV8 clutch slave cylinder is being remade by the original manufacturer and he is getting the RV8 brake servo re-manufactured also by the original company and is in discussion with a supplier regarding new replacement RV8 leather seat covers in soft Stone Beige Connolly leather. A supply of new RV8 rear lamp units is being obtained. SF August 2019 mgv8parts
MG 3621 - restoration of a rare V8 Roadster
Peter Ellis, V8 enthusiast and former Safety Fast! editor, feels fortunate to have been able to purchase a rare V8 Roadster built by Beer of Houghton for Barry Boyd. It is in need of some work to recommission it as it had been off the road for over 30 years. Here he relates the story. SF August 2019 Article
V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019 & preliminary information on the V8 Kent Tour 2020
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. Details of the V8 Kent Tour in 2020 will be released at the V8 Lincolnshire Tour by Ian Quarrington. SF August 2019
Briefing and booking
RV8 escapes to the chateau
Robert Jackson's RV8 parked in front of a Chateau de la Motte Husson where his youngest daughter and partner got married in May earlier this year. Robert adds "we travelled down in the RV8 and it performed well on the 700 mile round trip despite an increasingly noisy water pump on the return leg. SF July 2019 Photos
RV8 starter motor problem solved
Jamie Colville found that for "50% of the time my RV8 starts first time, the starter motor spins the engine with strength and away she goes, but for the other 50% everything primes, turn the key and just a single click from the solenoid. Martin Cridford responded referring to his earlier post when he was having starting problems with his RV8. Various online searches revealed that the starter solenoid was the likely candidate for contact failure as a dull click is heard when the key is turned, but the starter failed to spin every time. SF July 2019 Replacing the starter motor solenoid
V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. SF July 2019 Briefing and booking
Subtle upgrade of intermittent wipers!
Retronics is a joint venture formed by two classic car enthusiasts with over 40 years' experience in electronics who have set about designing, developing and testing a Windscreen Wiper Timer Module for classic cars. Many classic vehicles have windscreen wipers that are either on or off and some like the MGBGTV8 have the added "sophistication" of two wiper speeds, so driving in drizzle or moderate rainfall means constantly reaching for that toggle switch! This subtle decice is a helpful upgrade. SF June 2019 More
Cost of car insurance has dropped
The Which? magazine reported last month that "the cost of car insurance has dropped £100 between December 2018 and February 2019, according to the latest online Premium Drivers Index. The average annual premium now stands at £690. The decrease follows new Government reforms to the personal injury compensation system introduced last year. It comes as welcome news for drivers across the UK who have faced significant increases to their car insurance premiums over the last few years. Let's hope we see the effect pass through to classic car insurance. The fall in car insurance
costs follows the UK Government passing the Civil Liability Act in December 2018 to change the way that whiplash claims are calculated. SF June 2019 More
V8 Technical Day 2019
The event will be held on Saturday 1st June at a study centre near Watlington in Oxfordshire, just west of the M40. The programme for the day will provide a compact series of presentations on topics which will be interesting for fellow members together with refreshments on arrival, a buffet lunch and afternoon refreshments. SF June 2019 Briefing & booking
MGV8 market review
Our latest market review and price guide to the beginning of May notes V8 and RV8 prices continue to recover from the fall from a peak in 2017. The premium for chrome over rubber bumper V8s appears to have continued reducing, down from 11% to 8% and similarly the premium for RV8 Other Colours over Woodcote Green has reduced from 9% in November 2018 to only 3% in May 2019. Increased interest in RV8s from US buyers as the model reaches 25 years old, enabling RV8 reimports to be made to the US, has been seen with several purchases in the market and may become a demand factor. SF June 2019 More
V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. SF June 2019 Briefing and booking
V8 Technical Day 2019
The event will be held on Saturday 1st June at a study centre near Watlington in Oxfordshire, just west of the M40. The programme for the day will provide a compact series of presentations on topics which will be interesting for fellow members together with refreshments on arrival, a buffet lunch and afternoon refreshments. SF May 2019 Briefing & booking
V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. SF May 2019 Briefing and booking
V8 Kent Tour 2020
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be from Monday 21st to Friday 25th September 2020 and based in Kent with tours and visits to places of interest in the area, like Chartwell, and Sissinghurst, Rochester for the Cathedral and Castle and Chatham for the excellent Dockyard Museum. The tour organiser is Ian Quarrington. SF May 2019
Briefing information will be released in September
V8 Technical Day 2019
The event will be held on Saturday 1st June at a study centre near Watlington in Oxfordshire, just west of the M40. The programme for the day will provide a compact series of presentations on topics which will be interesting for fellow members together with refreshments on arrival, a buffet lunch and afternoon refreshments. SF Apr 2019 Briefing & booking
Events in the week running up to the MGLive! weekend - MGLive! dates lost, see announcement
On Wednesday June 12th Nic Houslip is arranging a visit to the Forge Mill Needle Museum which celebrates Redditch's history of needle and pin production in the UK. On Thursday June 13th a visit to Birmingham Symphony Hall see what goes on behind the scenes to cater for the world's leading artistes in both classical and modern music. The organ is a truly amazing masterpiece and the tour guide's stories are legendary. Briefing webpages and booking details for Needle Mill & BSH. Seeking news. SF Apr 2019
V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. SF Apr 2019 Briefing and booking
Re-registration after substantial change
Reporting changes made to a vehicle to DVLA that affect the V5C is required so DVLA can consider whether it is a radically altered vehicle. This is where the DVLA "eight point" rule comes from. See our NEWS item for more information. SF Apr 2019 More
Consultation on a ban on 10 year old tyres
An announcement on the GOV.UK website says "the Government will consult on options to ban older tyres from use on buses, coaches, heavy goods vehicles and mini-buses to help keep road users safe. This follows a research project, launched by the Government last year to look at whether the age of a tyre has a direct impact on its safety". Hopefully this recognition of tyre age safety concerns and prudent guidance will extend to other categories of vehicles in the UK including classic cars. . SF Apr 2019 More
How old are your tyres?
You may have heard of the tragic accidents involving vehicles reported to have had a failure of a tyre which was over 18 years old. In the case of a horsebox on the M5 in 2017, the driver experienced the failure of an 18 year old front tyre and in an earlier case a coach crashed on the A3 in 2013 that claimed three lives. It is reported the coach had aged tyres, one almost 20 years old. Links to the crash reports. SF Apr 2019 More & More
Mild tune, big pleasure
A 19 page lead feature in Classic Cars magazine took "six current best value V8 grand tourers on a shakedown tour of the Peak District" and the result was "the MGBGTV8 was a real surprise. Forget what year it was made, it's a thoroughly enjoyable sports tourer that won't break the bank". Journalist Ross Alkureishi sums it up: "throttle blips of beefiness elicit a recurring smile". See a review of the Classic Cars feature article. SF Apr 2019 More
V8 tacho conversion
Chris Bound is carrying out a V8 conversion of his 1977 MGBGT fitted with a type RVC1414/00 tachometer, one of the last 80mm rev counters for a 4 cylinder car. It works with electronic ignition systems but needed either modifying to accept the eight cylinder signal or a replacement. But he wanted to keep the look of his existing gauge, which has a long white needle and it matches the speedometer pretty well. In V8NOTE556 he explains how he obtained a conversion. SF Mar 2019 More
V8 Technical Day 2019
The event will be held on Saturday 1st June at a study centre near Watlington in Oxfordshire, just west of the M40. The programme for the day will provide a compact series of presentations on topics which will be interesting for fellow members together with refreshments on arrival, a buffet lunch and afternoon refreshments. SF Mar 2019 Briefing & booking
V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. SF Mar 2019 Briefing and booking
Classic car theft is increasing
With rising classic car values, sadly thefts of classic cars are increasing. Many are stolen by determined criminals, in some cases to be broken for spares. What a fate for a cherished classic car! So how can you monitor and locate a classic car to provide a good defence against thieves? Well that's where a vehicle tracker is essential - it's a vital device for classic car enthusiasts. SF Feb 2019 More
V8 Technical Day 2019
The event will be held on Saturday 1st June at a study centre near Watlington in Oxfordshire, just west of the M40. The programme for the day will provide a compact series of presentations on topics which will be interesting for fellow members together with refreshments on arrival, a buffet lunch and afternoon refreshments. SF Feb 2019 More

V8 Lincolnshire Tour 2019
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Lincolnshire and will include touring and visiting places on interest in the area. SF Feb 2019 Briefing and booking
Highlight events for 2019
The programme for 2019 begins with the traditional V8 Curry in Knowle on Saturday evening 9th February not far from Stoneleigh where the annual MG Show will be held the following day. See the Rolling V8 Calendar for more details of the programme of events for MGV8 enthusiasts in 2019. SF Jan 2019 More
Workshop notes reach 1,000
Our two successful workshop notes series, with servicing and spares articles contributed by fellow members, reached a total of 1,000 notes in November - an extraordinary milestone. SF Jan 2019 More
Updated MGV8 Price Guide
An active market over the six months to November 2018 and a recovery of Condition 1 MGBGTV8 chrome bumper prices to close to the peak in prices seen in May 2017 were features in our updated six monthly Price Guide released in November. A less active RV8 market also showed a similar price recovery to near the peak seen in November 2017. See our updated MGBGTV8 and RV8 price guides and market reports. SF Jan 2019 More
Replacement Vitesse 5-speed Mazda gearbox
Peter Berry relates his experience with Vitesse Global, the installation of their 5 speed Mazda gearbox, the aftersales service he received and his overall impressions with the new gearbox. Peter concludes saying "Apart from the significant cost (the kit at £2,525 and installation at a reasonable £450, both plus VAT), the decision to fit this gearbox was a no-brainer. These cars are for driving and I've just future-proofed that experience by some margin". SF Dec 2018 More
V8 Events in 2019
You can follow the news on events in 2019 and booking arrangements via our Rolling V8 Calendar. SF Dec 2018 More
Classic car theft is rising
"One classic car a day is stolen" was the headline for the lead article in the popular Classic Car Weekly a few weeks ago. One of the best ways of protecting your classic car is to get a tracker fitted which will give you a prompt alert on your mobile phone of interference with your car with mapping information as to where the car is to aid a successful recovery. SF Dec 18 More
Autumn Budget 2018
Following the Chancellor's Budget statement our usual prompt online report on the few measures announced of interest to the classic motoring enthusiast. See our report. SF Dec 2018 More
Fuel duty freeze continues
In October the Prime Minister confirmed the pledge to freeze fuel duty by ruling out any increase in fuel duty in the Budget later in the month. There had been speculation that the annual fuel duty freeze, in place since 2010, might have come to an end, with an inflation-linked rise used to pay for the £20bn in extra annual funding promised for the NHS. SF Nov 2018 More
Bo'ness Revival - Caledonian Centre
The Caledonian Centre has supported the Bo'ness Revival event since its inception eleven years ago and this year they had a large attendance of V8s of all types, MGBGTV8s, MG RV8s and MG 260s. Caledonian Centre celebrated the 2018 Launch Anniversary - 45th for the MGBGTV8, 25th for the RV8 and 15th for the MGZTT260. SF Oct 2018 More
V8 rolling road day at Aldon
The V8 Register's dyno day at Aldon Automotive in Brierley Hill was interesting and well attended. We had a line-up of RV8s and a single BGTV8 and everyone got a run on the dynamometer. We will full publish details later, but two interesting points emerged: one RV8 had a noticeably noisy engine when the bonnet was opened, it sounded like tappets, but it's owner said the noise was from the injectors. He had replaced them with set of aftermarket parts and the truth emerged when the dyno indicated a measly 144BHP. SF Oct 2018 More
Rolling Road Session at Aldon
Steve Newton reports booking rolling road sessions at Aldon in the West Midlands on Saturday 8th September have proved popular. The event will be of interest to members who want to see rolling road sessions in action, so if you would like to attend as a spectator do contact Steve and let him know you will be coming. For his contact details follow the "More" link. SF Sep 2018 More
Nearly 1,000 workshop notes
Our popular V8NOTES and RV8NOTES series launched in April 1979 and September 1999 are packed with spares and maintenance tips contributed by fellow members. Currently there are 986 notes so we only need a further 14 workshop notes to reach the milestone of 1,000 notes. Hopefully that will be achieved in this our 40th Anniversary year. SF Sep 2018 More
Introduction of E10 fuel not good news for classic cars
The DfT launched a consultation in July on whether and how it should introduce E10 fuel to the UK market. E10 contains more bioethanol than traditional petrol. The consultation closes on 16th September. See the GOV.UK link where you can participate in the consultation. SF Sep 2018 More
Make sure you classic is not caught out by tax renewal and MOT tests
Whilst you don't have to pay road tax for an "Historic" vehicle you do have to ensure that you either "tax" the vehicle at the NIL value VED rate or declare it as off the road on a SORN. A vehicle doesn't automatically become VED exempt when it reaches 40 years old - you need to apply for this on retaxing your car at a Post Office. You also need to renew your "road tax" annually even for a VED exempt vehicle. Many classic car magazines and servicing specialists advise having a voluntary test and with the legal duty a registered keeper has of maintaining their vehicle in a roadworthy condition a voluntary test makes sense. SF Sep 2018 More
V8 launched in August 1973
The iconic advert for the "new 124mph MGBGTV8" never ceases to underline the announcement of the launch of the MGBGTV8. Launched in August 1973, the V8 powered MGB combined the popular fixed head coupe body style with a powerful three and half litre light alloy V8 engine. The Rover powerplant ran with a reduced compression ratio but an increased torque compared with the similar engines then used in the Rover saloons. The result transformed the MGB, creating a very nimble car with the luxury of multi-cylinder power which is both flexible and economical - features which continue to have a special appeal for V8 enthusiasts today! More SF Aug 2018
Options if your Dunlop composites need refurbishing
The original wheels fitted to the MGBGTV8 model were a 14" composite wheel with an alloy centre with characteristic features mated to a chromed steel rim. Over time the recess, where the inner edge of the steel rim is attached to the alloy centre, can attract rust and if it's not controlled that corrosion can develop to an extent the wheels are in a sad state and need refurbishment. Now a refurbishment service is no longer available the options are: look after your wheels, advertise for a set of used Dunlop composite wheels in good conditionre, place with Clive Wheatley's 15" all-alloy lookalikes or with Minilites. More SF Aug 2018
V8 Derbyshire Tour 2018
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be in Derbyshire from Sunday 2nd to Thursday 6th September 2018. The event will include visits to Haddon Hall, Crich Tramway Village, Denby Pottery and Renishaw Hall. The event will include touring beautiful scenic routes around the Derbyshire dales and the Peak District National Park. Bookings are now full but there is a reserve list. Further information is available on the tour briefing webpage. SF Aug 2018 More
Rolling Road Session at Aldon
Steve Newton reports booking rolling road sessions at Aldon in the West Midlands on Saturday 8th September have proved popular. The event will be of interest to members who want to see rolling road sessions in action, so if you would like to attend as a spectator do contact Steve and let him know you will be coming. SF Aug 2018 More
Important update - extraordinary development with the MOT exemption procedures
An addendum issued by the FBHVC in June 2018 notes the UK Government agencies responsible for managing the MOT exemption changes have decided that it would be impracticable to introduce these changes following precisely what had previously been set out. They are therefore effectively assuming that all 40 year old vehicles are MOT exempt up to the time when their licence becomes due for renewal. See our full news report. More
Also see our amended "MOT exemption procedure" flowchart. More 180628
V8 Technical Day - Saturday 14th July 2018
The next V8 Technical Day will be held on Saturday 14th July 2017 at Club Office in Abingdon. The programme includes presentations on the new Mazda replacement five speed gearbox from the supplier Vitesse and on rechipping RV8 engines from Mark Adams of Tornado Systems, a specialist in in engine management technology, with a particular focus on the Rover V8 engine. There will also be a "question time" session and a light lunch. Send in your questions now for the Q&A session. SF July 2018 Event-briefing & Update - Unfortunately this event was cancelled because of very low bookings. 180701
Donington weekend event - Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July 2018
The V8 Register will have a mini marquee at the event on both Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July with a welcome for fellow MGV8 enthusiasts. SF July 2018 More
Aldon rolling road day - Saturday 8th September 2018
Steve Newton reports booking rolling road sessions at Aldon in the West Midlands on Saturday 8th September have proved popular. The event will be of interest to members who want to see rolling road sessions in action, so if you would like to attend as a spectator do contact Steve and let him know you will be coming. SF July 2018 More
V8 enforcement car for sale
When the Police Review magazine reviewed the model as an enforcement car in its August 1973 issue, it was keen on the MGBGTV8 saying it "combines a businesslike appearance with a reasonable performance, and capable of carrying a surprising amount of equipment which should make it one of the finest enforcement cars available". One example finished in "Police White" which was loaned to several forces for evaluation purposes came up for sale in mid-June. SF July 2018 Advert & More
V8 40th Anniversary 2018 programme of events
For our anniversary year we have a programme of events several of which are held in the week running up to the Club's annual weekend MGLive! meeting at Silverstone. Details of the whole V8 40th Anniversary programme are available via the link below. The V8 AGM is held on the Sunday at MGLive!. SF June 2018 More
Substantial Change/VHI and declaration as an MOT exempt vehicle from May 2018
Clear information for MGV8 enthusiasts on the MOT exemption available for cars manufactured or registered for the first time at least 40 years previously, of a type no longer in production, has been historically preserved or maintained in its original state and has not undergone substantial changes in the technical characteristics of its main components in the last 30 years. To discuss any matter relating to the DfT Substantial Change Guidance, VHI status or eligibility for MOT exempt vehicle declaration contact the V8 Registrar for assistance. SF June 2018 Checklist of NEWS items Extraordinary development with MOT exemption. More 180628
Why doesn't the RV8 boot open remotely via the switch on the dash?
A useful reminder from Peter Garton who could not
get the boot to open remotely via the dash switch. He tried via the ignition, plus the switch, but nothing worked, so he got out the last resort action - the handbook! There he saw to hismy indignation that he did not have the handbrake on! See page 82, Owner's Handbook AKM7144ENG. SF June 2018 More
Nextbase dash cam continues to be recommended by Which? magazine
In our review of dash cams in late 2016 the best buys with a Which? magazine rating and typical store costs indicated the Nextbase dash cams were a good choice. In the latest Which? magazine for May 2018 they highlight the Nextbase In-Car Cam 312GW Deluxe at £92 continues to be a good choice.
SF June 2018 More
Substantial Change/VHI declaration/MOT exemption from May 2018
Clear information for MGV8 enthusiasts on the MOT exemption available for cars manufactured or registered for the first time at least 40 years previously, of a type no longer in production, has been historically preserved or maintained in its original state and has not undergone substantial changes in the technical characteristics of its main components in the last 30 years. To discuss any matter relating to the DfT Substantial Change Guidance or VHI eligibility or MOT exemption contact the V8 Registrar for assistance. More SF May 2018 More MOT changes also come in in May 2018. Article Update news item. More 180428
Data protection changes from May 2018
With the new GDPR data protection regulations in May 2018, we have briefing note on the purpose and use of the data the V8 Register collects and holds. Contact the V8 Registrar to update your data, make enquiries as to the data held on the V8 Database, have access to your data and make any corrections, or give notice if you wish have your data erased. Briefing SF May 2018
V8 launched at the 1973 Motor Show
The MGBGTV8 was launched in August at the 1973 Motor Show at Earls Court in London with two V8s on display - Citron 798 on display up on a ramp with the logo "the new 124mph MGBGTV8" and Aconite 799 on the stand. SF April 2018
Motor Show 1973
& Motor Sport review & Police Review article & Looking back series
Marketing brochures for the MGBGTV8
The marketing brochures for the V8 still look as exciting as ever over 45 years later. SF April 2018
MGBGTV8 brochures
& Looking back series
V8 Register formed in 1978
The first meeting of the V8 Register was held at the Crossroads Hotel at Weedon Bec on the Sunday evening of the Club's annual meeting at Silverstone in May 1979. By then the V8 Register's activities were well underway with the launch of the first volume of V8 Workshop Notes from contributions of useful spares and servicing tips by fellow V8 enthusiasts. SF April 2018
First V8 meeting
& Looking back series
V8 40th Anniversary 2018 programme of events
For our anniversary year we have a programme of events several of which are held in the week running up to the Club's annual weekend MGLive! meeting at Silverstone. Details of the whole V8 40th Anniversary programme are available via the link below. The V8 AGM is held on the Sunday at MGLive!. SF April 2018 More
MOT exemption, Vehicles of Historic Interest and Substantial Change Guidance
After some uncertainty and speculation, the UK Government has clarified its approach to the implementation of its obligations under the EU Roadworthiness Testing Directive and how it will affect the UK MOT test as it applies to historic vehicles, and specifically Vehicles of Historic Interest (VHI). SF April 2018 Article & FBHVC news & DfT Substantial Change Guidance
MOT exemption flowchart

For reference: VED exemption flowchart
Time to get a tracker?
Thefts of vehicles have been growing in recent years with thieves, particularly organised crime gangs, using sophisticated techniques enabling them to remove cars rapidly which make tracing and recovering them very difficult. Without prompt information that a theft has occurred together with the vehicle's whereabouts, the chances of tracing and recovering a stolen vehicle are often low. Here we have a review of trackers. SF April 2018 More
V8 Technical Day 2018
This year's V8 Technical Day will be held on Saturday 14th July 2018 in the John Thornley Suite at the Club Office in Abingdon commencing at 10am and finishing at around 3.30pm. The organiser is Steve Newton. For the Q&A session, please submit your questions in advance to Steve Newton or Nic Houslip. See our briefing webpage. SF March 2018
V8 40th Anniversary 2018 - programme of events
See full details of of the programme of events and the booking arrangements for each event. Briefing. SF March 2018
V8 Curry at Knowle
Our annual V8 Curry, usually held at the beginning of the year, will be at the Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle near Solihull in the West Midlands on Saturday 10th February 2018. As that is the evening before the MG-Triumph Show at Stoneleigh on Sunday 11th it will be convenient for fellow members travelling to the show and stopping overnight nearby as the restaurant is not far from Stoneleigh. We hope the access arrangements at the Stoneleigh site will be better this year. See an information note and booking details. SF Feb 2018
MOT exemption and substantially changed vehicles
Two announcements from the DfT are of particular interest to classic car enthusiasts: MOT exemption for cars 40 years and older which secure Vehicle of Historic Interest (VHI) status but also cars 40 years and older where modifications have been made more than 30 years ago will also be eligible for VHI status and MOT exemption. More Feb 18
Replacement ducting above the hot air shroud on an MGBGTV8
Angus Munro purchased a good Condition 1 MGBGTV8 in 2017 and later, whilst working through various maintenance and refurbishment items, decided he would have to replace the ducting above the hot air shrouds on the "Lobster Claws" attached to the air cleaners. The shrouds are located just above the exhaust manifolds. In his post on the V8 Bulletin Board he mentioned that he had found replacements were "No longer available" but a tip from Tony Lake had the answer. More Feb 18
V8 Shop open again
Our new online V8 Shop is open again offering a wide range of attractive goods and useful services for MGV8 enthusiasts. The online V8 Shop has been rebuilt - alongside is our shop window. Sets of workshop notes on a Twister memory stick, V8s for Sale or Wanted adverts so you can reach enthusiasts who are either looking to buy an MGV8 or considering selling, V8 Spares for Sale or Wanted adverts are free to current members, V8 Register grille badges and a range of clothing, books and other items from the Club Shop and from TopSigns. More SF Jan 18
Special six month update of our MGBGTV8 & RV8 Price Guide
Usually we have an annual review with an updated price guide released in May but as our Pricewatch team felt there were indications of some interesting trends, we have produced a six month update to our Price Guide. See our market and price review. More SF Jan 18
Less information from DVLA?
The information revealed by an MOT history check on the GOV.UK website seems to have changed because until very recently the check would show the test location for each MOT test together with the date of the test and mileage plus the expiry date. Now the name and address of the test location are no longer revealed. See our NEWS item. More SF Jan 2018
V8 Curry at Knowle
Our annual V8 Curry, usually held at the beginning of the year, will be at the Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle near Solihull in the West Midlands on Saturday 10th February 2018. As that is the evening before the MG-Triumph Show at Stoneleigh on Sunday 11th it will be convenient for fellow members travelling to the show and stopping overnight nearby as the restaurant is not far from Stoneleigh. We hope the access arrangements at the Stoneleigh site will be better this year. See an information note and booking details. SF Jan 2018
Road speed sensor for the RV8 and Reed switch
The Reed Switch was invented in 1936 and is widely used in automatic telephone exchanges until replaced by the fully electronic versions we have today. More information can be found at Wikipedia but it is important to realise that it is a low current switch only, so shorting the output to ground might damage the contacts. See the full article SF Dec 2017
V8 Anniversaries Year 2018 - V8 Register 40th and the 45th anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 in 1973
For the 40th anniversary of the formation of the V8 Register in October 1978 and the 45th anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model in August 1973 we have a programme of eight main events in 2018. V8 40th Anniversary programme & SF Dec 2017

We also have a "Looking Back" feature on the V8 Website with articles of highlights from the launch of the MGBGTV8 and RV8 together with the development of the V8 Register over those 40 years. Looking back - MGBGTV8 & MG RV8
Enjoyable V8 Tour in North Yorkshire
Driving over the moors of North Yorkshire with the heather still in bloom was a real pleasure for members on the tour. They were on their way to visit Castle Howard and its beautiful gardens recalling their connection with Brideshead Revisited. Later during dinner at the tour hotel, Dunsley Hall near Whitby, members heard an amusing and informative talk on the Dracula connection with nearby Whitby.
Another run over the moors, surely some of the most beautiful routes in the UK, visited many of the villages and landmarks seen in the Heartbeat television series. SF November 2017 Full report
V8 Derbyshire Tour 2018
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be in Derbyshire from Sunday 2nd to Thursday 6th September 2018. The event will include visits to Haddon Hall, Crich Tramway Village, Denby Pottery and Renishaw Hall. The event will include touring beautiful scenic routes around the Derbyshire dales and the Peak District National Park. Further information and a booking form are available on the tour briefing webpage. SF November 2017 More
MGBGTV8 coping with high temperatures on tour
When Andrew Collins first started making plans to join the Club's European Event of the Year in Portugal this year, his planned route added up to about 1,500 miles in Spain and Portugal in July and August. He thought about engine cooling, and decided that at the least he needed some way of accurately knowing the temperature of coolant leaving the engine. SF October 2017 More
V8 Derbyshire Tour 2018
Sunday 2nd to Thursday 6th September 2018
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in Derbyshire. The event will include touring the beautiful scenic routes around the Derbyshire dales. There will be a tour of the Peak District National Park, visiting both Derbyshire White Peak and Dark Peak. SF October 2017 More
Stuart Mumby's RV8 has been sold to a US buyer
Stuart's RV8 in Nightfire Red was sold to a US buyer in 13 days on the RV8s for Sale webpage and another RV8 in the same colour was sold on that webpage within 2 hours of posting the advert! SF October 2017 More
V8 Roadster project out on the road for the first time
Mike Macartney's V8 Roadster project emerged from his workshop in August to travel to an appointment with his local MOT test station. It was a milestone for both Mike and the many fellow members who have been following his wonderful series of over 160 illustrated reports of work in progress which started in January 2015. The detail, honesty and frequency of those reports have made them a feature on the V8 Website many have found fascinating and informative. SF September 2017 More
Starkey elm burr gear knobs available again
Stuart Middlemiss has been in touch to say "following the sudden and sad death of Terry Starkey, I decided to take over production of the famous Starkey solid burr elm gearknobs which will continue to bear his name. Terry's wife, Brenda, is proud that Terry's "legacy" is being carried on and the production team of craftsmen is unchanged, as is Terry's pricing which was always non-profit making of course. Last week I sent off the first two gearknobs, numbers 278 and 279, both for RV8s with one destined for Abingdon, no less". SF September 2017 More
Future classic car use
A controversial report from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) on how to tackle the increasingly choked roads in many parts of Britain provides disturbing news for classic car enthusiasts. It was the lead story in the issue of Classic Car Weekly on 26th July 2017 which reported "classic cars could be segregated on to different roads from other road users from the 2030s" with the greater use of autonomous, alternative fuelled vehicles". A letter published in the Daily Telegraph from Ron Gammons had concise and well argued comments on the plans announced by the Government . SF September 2017 More
MGV8s at MGLive! 2017
MGLive! was very warm this year - an unusual experience when at Silverstone on the site of a former RAF airfield up on a normally windswept plateau at 500ft. The tasty refreshments provided by Debbie Brading and the comfort of the seating in the V8 Marquee were popular with V8 members and friends, providing an opportunity to meet up and chat. Our guests in the marquee this year were the members of the Vintage Register. Peter Jevons (alongside) arrived in his RV8, clearly enjoying his drive to Silverstone on a fine day. SF August 2017 Photo report
Concerns with LED bulbs
Lighting standards in modern cars have improved with the greater use of halogen bulbs and the beneficial effects have been improved visibility for drivers after dark or in poor conditions and better daytime "relative visibility". That has become a real concern for classic car enthusiasts. In his article Nic Houslip says if you are suffering with headlights on your MGV8 that are dim, all is not lost. He outlines the essential features of lamp technology and the concerns when considering an upgrade from the original incandescent bulbs originally fitted to MGBs. SF August 2017 More
Mistake in the RV8 manual over setting the timing
Mike Macartney and Nic Houslip believe the description of setting the distributor in the RV8 Repair Manual AKM7144 is not correct. The correction is needed on page 7 of the Maintenance section of the manual. You can download a copy of the extract from the manual and the correction here to place in your manual as a reminder. SF August 2017
& Note for your manual
Do "wanted" adverts work?
There are signs that this type of advert is proving to be an effective way of attracting interest from owners of MGV8s who are beginning to think of selling their car. As many are becoming elderly tend to feel the time is nearing when they should sell their car but would like it to go to a good home. The do not want the hassle of "tyre kickers" and dealers rolling up at their home but the alternative of their responding to a wanted advert and dealing with an enthusiast who would give the car a good home seems a great deal better. SF August 2017 More & Commission sale arrangements
MGV8 prices continue to rise
Whilst there are signs the effects of the “alternative investment” activity in the classic car market have reduced over the 12 months to May 2017, our analysis of our online MGV8 Pricewatch reports indicates prices for Condition 1 MGV8s have continued to rise over the 12 months to May 2017. MGBGTV8 prices are up by between 7% and 10% and RV8 prices by between 8% and 11%. See our updated price chart and MGBGTV8 and RV8 market and price reviews. Our Pricewatch webpages from our two volunteers carry reports of MGV8s seen advertised for sale and listed for auction. SF July 2017
MGLive! 2017 & a short programme of events in the week before the meeting at Silverstone
In the week running up to the Club's annual MGLive! event at Silverstone over the weekend 11th & 12th June we have a programme of events from the Wednesday. Full details are available on the "More" webpage on the V8 Website. Over the weekend at MGLive! we will have our usual V8 Marquee with free refreshments and seating where you can meet up and chat with fellow members. This year we have invited the Vintage Register members to share our V8 Marquee at MGLive! See details of the programme of events. More SF June 2017
Historic stumble across an aluminium Buick V8 engine
It was only by chance that during a visit to the US that Rover managing director Bill Martin-Hurst stumbled over a V8 engine lying on a workshop floor. His interest in the engine led to the V8 engine being crated up and sent over to Rover in the UK. Rover developed the engine for production and use in the UK and since its UK debut in 1967 it has been installed in a wide range of vehicles from Rover saloons, Land Rover vehicles and sports cars like Morgans, TVRs and MGs. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Rover's UK launch of the V8 engine. More SF June 2017
Skinners Union
by Mike Harvey, published by The SU Carburettor Co. Hardback with 320 pages and many black & white and colour illustrations. ISBN 97834234-0-6
A comprehensive and well researched history of the design of a unique type of carburettor from inception to production that we still know today, the SU variable venturi carburettor. Technical and non-technical readers alike will benefit from this book, especially if they own a car fitted with SU carburettors, particularly the MGB and the MGBGTV8. See a review by Nic Houslip. Review
SF May 2017
Getting information on your classic from DVLA
David Worthington describes how you cn make a V888 application to DVLA for information on your car. He received copies of registration documents and notifications of changes of registered keepers over the years so he had a complete history of his MGBGTV8 with the dates of transfers of keepers. See DVLA's 30 page information leaflet MIS546 and the full article. SF April 2017
Refitting the drian tube to the fresh air intake
Nic Houslip spotted the drain tube for MGBs and GTs had come back into stock at Brown & Gammons - "it's that strange shaped rubber tube device that dangles down from the underside of the plenum chamber which supplies fresh air for the heater box on MGBs and derivatives". Nic was recently working on his V8 Roadster and as he had full access to the plenum chamber he decided to fit the new type of drain tube as a replacement for the ageing original item. Here he describes the task. See the full article. SF April 2017
Gas struts for an MGBGTV8 luggage platform
Have you ever thought you needed three hands when delving into the space below the luggage platform of the MGBGTV8 or any MGBGT come to that? David Worthington decided that there must be a better solution than a wooden prop he has used, so he did an internet search for gas struts and there he found the solution - two gas struts designed to support the carpet covered liftable luggage platform above the spare wheel of all series of MGBGTs. See his full article and a link to the supplier's fitting instructions. SF April 2017
RV8 self purging top hose insert
Anyone who has done the job will know what a pain it is to refill the RV8 cooling system when changing the coolant, or following work on the system. Stuart McGuigan has devised an improved solution in the form of a self-purging top hose insert fitted in the top radiator hose. A prototype fitted to his car is performing well. Stuart is planning to make a batch of the self-purging inserts which should be available shortly through Clive Wheatley at MGV8parts. SF April 2017 More
Links to other items in the V8 Newsletter April 2017
You can see more information at:
replacing rubber fuel lines
classic car insurance photos

speed awarness course notification
E10 in the UK
and more. SF April 2017
Replacement 5 speed Mazda gearbox for the V8
Vitesse has been offering a replacement 5 speed Mazda gearbox for MGBs for some time but they now also offer it for an MGBGTV8. It's come at a time when the availability of some replacement gearbox parts and original complete gearboxes for the MGBGTV8 are increasingly difficult to find. Many owners have looked to alternative gearboxes as replacements like LT77 and R380 boxes but they too are becoming less easy to find. So the news that Vitesse now offer a 5 Speed Mazda Gearbox Conversion Kit for the MGBGTV8 is very welcome. SF March 2017 More
V8 Technical Day 2017
This year's V8 Technical Day will be held on Saturday 20th May 2017 in the John Thornley Suite at the Club Office in Abingdon commencing at 10am and finishing at around 3.30pm. The organiser is Roger Aldridge who is putting together an interesting set of talks and presentations. See our briefing webpage. SF March 2017 More
North Yorks Moors V8 Tour 2017 - Thursday 7th to Monday 11th September 2017
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in the North Yorks Moors. The event will include touring the beautiful scenic routes around the North Yorks Moors National Park taking in Heartbeat country Goatland, Castle Howard, Helmsley and many more interesting villages. There will be a tour of the Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum and a visit to Eden Camp, a multi-award winning Modern History Theme Museum housed in a former WW2 prisoner of war camp. SF March 2017 More & Bookings
RV8 25th anniversary 2017
This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the launch of the model in 1992. Event details will be announced in March. See our "Looking back" series. SF March 2017 More
Concern with LED bulb upgrades on classic cars
The DfT says LED aftermarket conversions are only permitted when the entire lamp unit, not just the bulb, is replaced by a Type Approved lamp. The concern for classic car owners is relative visibility on today's roads. What is clear is the regulations have not caught up with the new technology. See our recent NEWS items on concerns over lighting upgrades and our earlier items. SF February 2017
& More & More & More & More & Information Gateway
Useful hands-free speakerphone from Jabra
The increased crackdown on the use of handheld mobile phones and smartphones whilst driving is overdue and necessary, so a neat hands-free speakerphone is a welcome option. The device is called Jabra Drive and is convenient to use - it's simply clipped to the sun visor overhead and when "paired" to your mobile phone they link automatically by Bluetooth. The phone can stay safely in your pocket out of sight and touch. To answer a call you simply lift your finger and touch a button on the face of the Jabra Drive - the microphone picks up your reply and the 2 watt speaker conveys the caller's voice clearly. SF January 2017 More
V8 Register review 2016
This review reports we have 3,881 registered members with MGV8s in the UK, Mainland Europe and Overseas and our database has information on 4,581 MGV8s - covering Costellos, Factory V8s, GTV8 Conversions, V8 Roadster Conversions and RV8s. The report is illustrated with charts showing where our members and the MGV8s are in the UK, Mainland Europe and Overseas. See the report. SF January 2017 More
V8 Pricewatch
Our two volunteers, Andy Goves and Keith Belcher, spot adverts and auction listings with MGV8s for sale for our V8 Pricewatch. Ther next update of our MGV8 Price Guide will be in April 2017. SF January 2017 MGBGTV8 Pricewatch & RV8 Pricewatch
Sorrento by BGTV8
John Upton enjoyed having his MGBGTV8 in Africa when he lived there for many years before returning home and then moving to France. Here he describes another adventure taking his V8 to Sorrento for his daughter's wedding. It proved to be a trip of a lifetime. See his full article and some of the wedding photos. SF December 2016 Full article & Wedding photos
V8 Anniversaries coming up
As we approach the 45th anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model in August 1973 and the 40th anniversary of the formation of the V8 Register five years later in 1978, we are planning events and website features to mark those milestones in 2018. Similarly the 25th anniversary of the launch of the MG RV8 model is another significant feature in our planning - the announcement of the model in 1992 and launch in 1993. We have already launched on the V8 website two series of "looking back" articles and features on the MGBGTV8 and RV8 models. SF December 2016 MGBGTV8 & MG RV8
Rebuild series reaching 100
Rebuild and restoration reports have been a popular feature on the V8 website for many years with the restoration of an MGBGTV8 found behind a garden shed by Barrie Jones and a nut and bolt rebuild commissioned by Dr Chris Ward as two examples. A current rebuild of an MGV8 Roadster Conversion by Mike Macartney has been followed closely by many members as he has produced regular detailed reports posted to the V8 website. They usually run to eight pages and appear twice a week and sometimes every two days, so it's no surprise the series is reaching the 100th report. SF December 2016 More
Understanding the RV8 engine management system
The RV8 had an early engine management system and in a comprehensive article Dave Morris explored its operation, fault detection and diagnostics. Assisted by John Anthistle, John Hale and Nic Houslip they outlined options for owners upgrading their RV8 by 'chipping' or 'remapping'. Some basic knowledge is assumed so anyone unfamiliar with Fuel Injection Systems should first read Nic Houslip's excellent article introducing the RV8 ECU. SF December 2016 Full article & Introduction
Best buy dash cams
Since we last looked at dash cams they have continued to improve in terms of functionality and performance. There has also been a surge in the popularity of dash cams, so the results of the latest product test by the leading consumer group Which? are a useful guide if you are thinking of getting one. SF November 2016 More
V8 Roadster rebuild project
Following a major restoration of an MGBGTV8 previously owned by Dugald McNeill, Mike Macartney met up with his old friend and as Dugald was so attached to the car, Mike generously let it go back to him! But Mike had thoroughly enjoyed driving the V8 so the MGV8 bug had bitten him! We soon heard Mike had bought another MGV8 for restoration. SF November 2016 More
V8 Hampshire Tour 2016
The V8 Tour 2016 was be based at the Forest Park Hotel in Brockenhurst in the New Forest over the long weekend of Thursday 1st to Monday 5th September and included visits to a local vineyard, the famous Buckler's Hard where ships of the line were built and finished with a buffet lunch on Monday at the Museum of Army Flying at Netheravon prior to members leaving for home. SF October 2016 More
V8 Curry at Knowle
We have another autumn V8 Curry at the Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle near Solihull in the West Midlands on Saturday 8th October 2016. Please book ahead with Nic Houslip on 07768 766315. SF October 2016
Stubborn stalks
The column mounted stalk controls on an MGB or derivative are prone to stubborn and erratic smooth operation as they age. A tip Nic Houslip has found useful over the years is the application of WD-40 on a relatively infrequent basis (say twice annually) as it is beneficial to all switches in cars. See our brief but useful note. SF September 2016 More
Connecting a battery conditioner
During a call from an enthusiast who had just bought an RV8, he enquired whether a battery conditioner like an Accumate could be connected to the power socket in an MGV8 as a simple and convenient way of maintaining the battery condition and charge when the car is parked in a garage for a while. See our illustrated notes. SF September 2016 More
Mike Macartney's rebuild series
One of the popular items on the V8 website is the series of illustrated reports from Mike Macartney of the major rebuild he has underway on a V8 Roadster. See the series of reports. SF August 2016 More
Modification to reduce MGV8 sump gasket leakage
A thread on the V8 Bulletin Board in May 2016 discussed the suitability of several sump gaskets for the RV8. One contributor, Tony Lake, mentioned how a problem with the pressed steel sump is the light steel section used. He noted "the V8 sump is one of the best candidates I've seen for leakage, along with the valley cover". He then mentioned he had some sketches of the stiffening pieces he had made to overcome the problem and solve the leaks. SF August 2016 More
MGBGTV8 has a rebuild
Peter Ellis originally purchased his MGBGTV8 in 1980 - Damask 2632 - and it was used as everyday transport for two years, then as a second car for 14 years. Peter sold the car in 1994 when the bodywork was starting to show signs of needing some major surgery. In 2008 he repurchased the car. The bodywork still needed surgery and so he started the strip down. The bodywork and painting were completed in early 2010 and the rebuild took place over the following four years culminating in an MOT in November 2014.
SF August 2016 More
What are the likely effects of Brexit on the UK classic car market?
In a lead article reviewing the effects of Brexit on classic car demand and prices in the UK, the popular weekly newspaper Classic Car Weekly noted recently that "demand from international buyers will rise, values will remain strong and classic friendly legislation will be more easily achieved". SF August 2016 More
Checking a small mod on a Japan spec RV8 has been done
When a Japan spec RV8 is reimported to the UK or exported elsewhere you need to change over the vacuum advance to the UK spec as recommended in RV8 Workshop Notes 60 and 258. If you buy one of these cars it is well worth checking a simple modification has been carried out. SF August 2016 RV8NOTE120 & RV8NOTE258
MGV8 concours wins at MGLive! & at the European Event of the Year 2016
The MGBGTV8 in Teal Blue entered by Howard Guiney in the premier concours class at Silverstone and came first beating some well-known previous winners. At the European Event of the Year in France another V8 enthusiast Roger Glover reports his RV8, in British Racing Green, won the Modern concours section. SF August 2016 MGLive!2016 & EEOY 2016
Reimporting an MGBGTV8
A search for an MGBGTV8 resulted in Robert Rose finding one with an enthusiast in New Zealand and then reimporting it to the UK. The car has now arrived by shipping container in the UK. Although Robert Rose eventually wishes to regain the car's original UK registration number through the DVLA Form V765 process, initially he will be submitting a DVLA Form V55 to obtain an age related UK plate. SF August 2016 More
Exposed thread of a bolt through the airbox on an MGBGTV8
If you have an exposed thread it is essential you fit a nut and serrated washer as a matter of urgency. There are still some MGBGTV8s around with an exposed thread. See V8NOTE53. SF July 2016 More
Replacing the HIF6 floats
Victor Smith found on starting up his MGBGTV8 that petrol was running from the overflow hose which is routed to discharge below the car. It was traced to the float in the nearside HIF6 carburettor that had leaked so it was partially full of fuel. In V8NOTE507 he describes replacing the floats with a new pair from Burlen. See V8NOTE507. SF July 2016
V8 Technical Day 2016
Members attending the V8 Technical Day 2016 enjoyed a series of presentations and then following a buffet lunch travvled to Steventon near Abingdon for a tour of the Frontline Development's factory. The programme for the day covered various aspects of owning a an MGV8, with six principal speakers. SF July 2016 More
Brass alternative to a plastic back axle breather
Checking your plastic breather pipe is not missing from the top of the offside of your back axle was highlighted in this column in the February issue. Subsequently Richard Withington spotted a brass alternative and Jonathan Buckley then contributed some useful information on his experience with rethreading and fitting one. SF May 2016 More
V8 Technical Day 2016
Following the successful V8 Technical Days in 2014 and 2015, Roger Aldridge is planning another for Saturday 21st May 2016 in the John Thornley Suite at Club Office with three speakers in the morning, lunch and then a move over to Frontline Developments in Abingdon for presentations on their activities and a tour of their new factory. There will also be a chance to look at their new MGBs. Briefing and booking details are available on the V8 website. Contact Roger Aldridge to book a place.
SF May 2016 More
V8 Autumn Tour 2016
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in The New Forest National Park from Thursday 1st to Monday 5th September 2016. The tour will be through beautiful areas of the forest and visiting various establishments, including a winery, the famous Buckler's Hard where ships of the line were built and finishing at the Museum of Army Flying for a tour followed by a buffet lunch prior to departure for home. Contact Mike Lane for bookings and information. SF May 2016 More
Fault with the starter 6RA relay
The 6RA forward of the fuse box controls the twin cooling fans and the other on the bulkhead side controls the engagement of the starter motor. Recently Steve Newton examined a faulty 6RA relay and found the contacts in the switch came together under the magnetic force of the coil in the relay but did so at an angle and not parallel to each other as they should, so there was a reduced area of surface contact between the contacts. With the large current drawn by the starter motor, the result was a fusing in one spot. Take care, there are some poor quality parts in the market. SF Apr 2016 More
GTS104 thermostat - drilled vent or undrilled?
Dave Morris sought clarification on whether the MGV8 thermostat is vented. Nic Houslip says "When you look for a replacement GTS104 thermostat you need to check carefully the replacement part has a vent and bobble valve". SF Apr 2016 More
V8 Workshop Notes series passes the 500 milestone!
Launched in April 1979 the V8 Workshop Notes series began with a note from John Dupont on removing and refitting a V8 water pump and in February 2016 the 500th note was released reporting a fault seen with 6RA relays supplied as replacement parts. The series of RV8 Workshop Notes was launched in in September 1999 and has reached 415 notes, so a combined total this month of 918 notes. With 31 notes generated over the last 12 months it's likely we will reach a thousand notes by the time we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formation of the V8 Register in October 2018. SF Apr 2016 News & V8NOTES & RV8NOTES
Visit to the Black Country Living Museum
Steve Newton has arranged a group visit to the Black Country Living Museum on Saturday 9th April 2016 meeting at 11am. Located in Dudley in the West Midlands it is one of the finest and largest open-air museums in the United Kingdom. Book a place with Steve Newton. SF Apr 2016 More - see report on the event
V8 event before the European Event of the Year 2017 in Portugal
For MGV8 enthusiasts planning to travel to Portugal to attend the MG Car Club's European Event of the Year 2017 will welcome the news that a preliminary event - "Visiting Portugal 2017" from Saturday 29th July to Thursday 3rd August 2017 - is being planned there for V8 enthusiasts by the Swiss V8 Group run by Victor Rodrigues and his Swiss wife Evelyne. Although he has lived for many years in Zurich in Switzerland he originally comes from Portugal and has used his local knowledge to arrange the additional event. SF Apr 2016 More
RV8 Spring Run in Yorkshire
Stuart Mumby is organising a Spring Run on Sunday 24th April 2016, primarily for MG RV8s, but all MGV8s welcome. This coincides with the FBHVC Drive-it-Day and will offer an ideal opportunity to get your car out and be seen on this important annual event. The route will take in Bronte and Summer Wine Country in the scenic Yorkshire Pennines. SF Apr 2016 More
V8 Technical Day 2016
Following the successful V8 Technical Days in 2014 and 2015, Roger Aldridge is planning another for Saturday 21st May 2016 in the John Thornley Suite at Club Office with three speakers in the morning, lunch and then a move over to Frontline Developments in Abingdon for presentations on their activities and a tour of their new factory. There will also be a chance to look at their new MGBs. Briefing and booking details are available on the V8 website. Contact Roger Aldridge to book a place.
SF Apr 2016 More
V8 Autumn Tour 2016
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in The New Forest National Park from Thursday 1st to Monday 5th September 2016. The tour will be through beautiful areas of the forest and visiting various establishments, including a winery, the famous Buckler's Hard where ships of the line were built and finishing at the Museum of Army Flying for a tour followed by a buffet lunch prior to departure for home. Contact Mike Lane for bookings and information. SF Apr 2016 More
Repairing an electronic key fob
Finding your electronic key fob has developed a fault - for example one of the buttons has fallen out or it simply stops working - can leave you with a puzzle as to how to get the fob repaired or replaced without too much hassle or expense. In RV8NOTE399 Alan Rennie mentioned a specialist company in Peterborough, Automobile Locksmith, who provide a good quality repair service. SF Apr 2016 More
Where is a V8 I used to own?
An increasing number of enquiries are coming from enthusiasts who are trying to trace an MGV8 they had once owned and enjoyed in earlier years.Do let the V8 Registrar know if you do so we can help this painting pass to the current owner of the car. SF Apr 2016 More
Curing a leaking heater matrix
Paul Atkinson experienced a leaking heater matrix on his RV8 and found the replacement of the matrix was easy involving moving the washer bottle, carbon canister and immobiliser unit to the side (without complete detachment from the car) then undoing the hoses and the two screws which hold the matrix into the heater box. The heater box remains in situ, but I took the opportunity to clear the debris from the deteriorated foam seal with a powerful vacuum cleaner. SF Mar 2016 More
V8 Technical Day 2016
Following the successful V8 Technical Days in 2014 and 2015, Roger Aldridge is planning another for Saturday 21st May 2016 in the John Thornley Suite at Club Office with three speakers in the morning, lunch and then a move over to Frontline Developments in Abingdon for presentations on their activities and a tour of their new factory. There will also be a chance to look at their new MGBs. Briefing and booking details are available on the V8 website.
SF Mar 2016 More
V8 Autumn Tour 2016
The next V8 Tour in the popular series will be based in The New Forest National Park from Thursday 1st to Monday 5th September 2016. The tour will be through beautiful areas of the forest and visiting various establishments, including a winery, the famous Buckler's Hard where ships of the line were built and finishing at the Museum of Army Flying for a tour followed by a buffet lunch prior to departure for home. Contact Mike Lane for bookings and information. SF Mar 2016 More
MGV8 PriceWatch
Classic car prices have been on the move over the last few years and several V8 members have been following the auction news and adverts with useful reports, analysis and price guide updates, not least from Keith Belcher, Adam Fiander and Andy Goves. Their research and news on auction results and MGV8s seen for sale in adverts is the key part of our MGV8 PriceWatch series on the V8 website. SF Mar 2016 More
Back axle breather pipe check
Derek Squires saw something lying on the floor under the back of his RV8 and found it was a plastic rear axle breather which had had sheared off at the top of the short threaded section that holds it into the top of the offside part of the back axle. With that part missing he had an open hole of about 7mm diameter in the top of the axle to let in water and grit. If it had fallen off when on the road, he would have never noticed that it was missing. He found replacement parts are readily obtainable from Brown & Gammons as ZXC5726 for the RV8 and 21H6060 for the GTV8. It's worth checking your breather pipe is there. SF Feb 2016 More
V8 Curry at Knowle
Our annual V8 Curry, usually held at the beginning of the year, will be at the Lloyds Indian Restaurant in Knowle near Solihull in the West Midlands on Saturday 20th February 2016. As that is the evening before the MG-Triumph Show at Stoneleigh on Sunday 21st it will be convenient for fellow members travelling to the show and stopping overnight nearby as the restaurant is not far from Stoneleigh. We hope the access arrangements at the Stoneleigh site will be better this year. See an information note and booking details. SF Feb 2016
MGV8 PriceWatch
Classic car prices have been on the move over the last few years and Keith Belcher and Andy Goves have been following the auction news and adverts with useful reports and price guide updates for both V8 and RV8 models. Those reports are our MGV8 PriceWatch. In January Andy Goves reported on two RV8s sold at auction in December 2015 - see the reports and analysis. See our MGV8 PriceWatch page. SF Feb 2016 MGV8 PriceWatch
RV8 coolant bleed insert
Anyone who has done the job will know what a pain it is to refill the RV8 cooling system when changing the coolant or following work on the system. Here Stuart McGuigan describes a modification he has made which makes the job far easier. SF Dec 2015 More
Check the age of your tyres
Tyre safety is a topic we have highlighted on many occasions, not least the age effect on tyre rubber and the consequent reduced braking and roadholding performance. Over time the suppleness of tyre rubber reduces so that by around 7 to 8 years old the ageing effect will have reduced the flexibility of the rubber as it hardens and begins to take on the characteristics of wood. SF Dec 2015 More & Replacement tyres information gateway
V8 Technical Day 2016
Following the successful V8 Technical Days in 2014 and 2015, Roger Aldridge is planning another for Saturday 21st May 2016 in the John Thornley Suite at Club Office with three speakers in the morning, lunch and then a move over to Frontline Developments in Abingdon for presentations on their activities and a tour of their new factory. There will also be a chance to look at their new MGBs. Briefing and booking details will be available on the V8 website from January 2016.
SF Dec 2015 More
Autumn V8 meeting near Zurich
Victor Rodrigues, who runs the Swiss V8 group in Switzerland (SWISS-MGV8/IG), reports that they held the traditional Autumn gathering at his attractive garage near Zurich on Saturday 24th October 2015. SF Dec 2015 NEWS & illustrated report
Tax class changes to "Historic"
As very nearly all MGBGTV8 models are now eligible for road tax exemption, most owners will want to arrange for the tax class change from PLG to Historic as soon as the opportunity arises in April as the eligibility for the 40 year rolling VED exemption arrives. So if your car is approaching that point it is worth noting a clarification the FBHVC has received from the DVLA. SF Dec 2015 More
Changes to vehicle tax rule
When the paper tax disc ended some changes to the vehicle tax rules appeared - but there was confusion. After some delay a clarification has been released on the GOV.UK website which says "when you buy a vehicle, the tax or SORN doesn't come with it. But the explanation from DVLA is still not quite right. We explain why. The key point is DVLA are not notified of the change of registered keeper until the they receive the paper V5C from the seller. SF Dec 2015 More & Recent VED updates
Check your antiroll bar drop links
Recently there have been some failures of the front antiroll drop links. These connect the outer ends of the antiroll bar to their respective lower suspension arm. Nic Houslip feels it is probably worth spending time checking the condition of the drop links. Failure of the link will affect handling, by allowing much more body roll in corners. SF Dec 2015 More
Drop links information gateway & Update on drop links article
V8 Tour in Germany
A prompt report on the V8 Tour 2015 to Germany was prepared by Kai and Claudia Knickmann. Kai volunteered to translate the report and prepared it whilst on a flight to the Far East. SF Nov 15 More
Churches tour around Watlington
With good weather the tour of six churches around Watlington in Oxfordshire was an enjoyable and interesting day. Breakfast at the Coach & Horses in Chiselhampton, lunch at the Chequers Inn at Fingest, tea at Ewelme church and dinner at the Red Lion in Chalgrove. SF Nov 15 More
V8 Register Grille Badge available again soon
The V8 Register Grille Badges will be on offer through the Online V8 Shop at £33.75 (UK including P&P and VAT), £39.99 (Mainland Europe including airmail P&P and VAT) and £39.99 (Overseas including airmail P&P). You can order a badge using the online order form. SF Oct 15 Order form
Update your agreed value
The indications are a Condition 1 MGBGTV8 chrome bumper is now around £18,545 (up 7.5% in six months) and a rubber bumper model at around £15,320 with exceptional cars at higher prices. In earlier years many V8 enthusiasts reviewed the value of their car every 2 to 3 years but in the present market it's essential you do this annually to ensure you have an agreed value on your policy which reflects the current market price of your car and are not underinsured. SF Oct 15 NEWS
Classic car theft - increased security now essential
Recent classic car press articles report thefts increasing to the point where one car is being stolen virtually every day. One way of protecting your car is to fit a GPS tracker which will alert you by text message of any tampering with the car and provide its location if stolen so the police will be able to recover it. SF Oct 15 NEWS & Tracker
RV8 at the Castle of May
Marion Quarrington was on the Caledonian Centre's Tour of Orkney and on the return route visited the Castle of Mey near Caithness on the north coast of Scotland. Marion mentioned they enjoyed good weather so had the hood down for most of the time, only putting it up overnight. The eight day tour had an overnight stop in Tain on route to the ferry at Gill's Bay, followed by three nights on Orkney and then via the west coast with overnights in Tongue, Loch Broom and Fort William before returning to Stirling. SF Oct 15 NEWS
SV-R wins two cups at MGLive!
John Newey reports his MG X-Power SV-R with its 5.0 V8 engine won its class in the "Pride of Ownership" at MGLive! and then went on to win the Roger Latham trophy for overall best in show too.
SFSep15 NEWS & MGLive! 2015 report
Tour of Churches around Watlington
A tour of six churches in the Oxfordshire countryside around Watlington on Saturday 3rd October 2015. The tour will start with refreshments at the Coach & Horses in Chiselhampton from 9.30am. The first church is just a short walk from the large car park at the pub. The tour has been organised by fellow member and local farmer Charles Peers. The first church we will visit, St Katherine's, was built by his distant ancestor, another Charles Peers. There will be a lunch break at the Chequers Inn at Fingest and tea at Ewelme church followed by a V8 Dinner. SFSep15 Tour information & booking details
V8 Register Grille Badges available again
An initiative by Angus Munro attracted over 50 pre-orders for a new supply of small V8 Register Grille Badges. If you missed the online promotion in August then limited stocks remain available. SFSep15 More
What's in a set of MGB Workshop Notes?
The series for MGB owners has over 300 useful technical notes for the MGB and MGBGT with a range of service and spares tips. Sets of the notes are available on a convenient USB memory stick bearing the MGB logo. Tracing information on a topic is very straightforward with the detailed index to the series. Examples of the notes you will find in Volume 4 are a comprehensive note on waxoyling an MGB, a modification to avoid a failed bonnet catch, tips on using Jubilee clips, cleaning out the fresh air vent chamber drain tube known as "Ted's knob" to avoid wet carpets and a review of luggage rack options for MGB Roadsters. SFSep15 More & See also V8NOTES & RV8NOTES More
Classic car thefts are increasing
Recent classic car press articles report thefts increasing to the point where one car is being stolen virtually every day. One way of protecting your car is to fit a GPS tracker which will alert you by text message of any tampering with the car and provide its location if stolen so the police will be able to recover it. SFSep15 Classic Car Weekly report & Classic Car Buyer report & GPS Tracker & Underinsurance
Crimping bullet connectors and faston terminals
Whether you are doing maintenance on the electrical system on a classic car like an MGB or installing new wiring for additional equipment, getting a good crimped bullet connector or faston is essential. Using good crimping tools helps achieve reliable crimped connectors. SFSep15 Crimping article & Fastons & Video
V8 Register group launched on Facebook
The V8 Register has launched a Facebook group and it is already attracting members in the UK and overseas. It will enable V8 Register members to exchange views and information on enjoying their MGV8s, contact friends and exchange messages. An "Admin Trio" will run it as a "closed group" for members of the V8 Register and friends who are current members of the MG Car Club or a current member of a recognised overseas branch of the MG Car Club. Why not join the V8 Register group on Facebook now!
150721 NEWS & Visit the V8 Register Facebook group now & Join the V8 Register Facebook group
Summer Budget 2015 report
The headline news from the Summer Budget 2015 statement made in the House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, on Wednesday 8th July was: no fuel duty changes this year, fuel duty is frozen, no further changes to Vehicle Excise Duty rates and bands, Vehicle Excise Duty classic vehicle exemption continues as announced in the Budget 2014, a 3.5% insurance premium tax rise from 1st November 2015 with the standard rate of IPT increasing from 6% to 9.5% and reform of the regulation of the insurance claims management sector by the Government. 150708 More
Autumn V8 Dinner on Saturday 3rd October 2015
Dinner at the Coach & Horses in Chiselhampton will be a good way of ending what promises to be a most interesting tour of local churches that day. Some members travelling long distances are staying overnight at this pub which offers good bed and breakfast accommodation. Note, this dinner replaces the previous plans for a V8 Curry at the Last Viceroy in Bourne End near Marlow later in October 2015. (SF August 2015) Briefing
Booking details
Tour of churches around Watlington in Oxfordshire - Saturday 3rd October 2015
Charles Peers is arranging an interesting tour of churches around his home near Watlington starting with St Katherine's church in Chiselhampton built by his ancestor.
Full details of the tour are on the V8 website together with an online booking form. A detailed guide book to the tour with information on each church, the places passed on the tour and information on the routes between churches will be available. The day will start with breakfast in Chiselhampton then lunch in Fingest and finally tea at Ewelme. (SF August 2015) More & Tour programme
CHIPnTRAC GPS tracker - our review and guides to setting up and installing this self monitoring GPS tracker
Following our review of this tracker published in the July 2015 issue of Safety Fast! we have produced two guides on setting up the tracker and installing it in an MGB, V8 or RV8. The set up guide is available here but the installation guide is not published online for obvious reasons, but a copy is available to current members of the MG Car Club who have registered an MGV8 with the V8 Register and who have provided us with the details of the invoice issued with their CHIPnTRAC tracker supplied by RBS Property Marking. (SF August 2015) More
Barrie's Notes - Maintaining an MGBGTV8 in the 21st Century
Many MGB enthusiasts have enjoyed reading the tips and advice on maintaining an MGB in a neat A5 sized 82 page book called Barrie's Notes written and illustrated by Barrie Jones. It sold well through the Club's online shop. Barrie has now produced a new book of his notes for the MGBGTV8 with useful information and tips on maintaining the model. Publication has recently been launched on the V8 website and copies are available on the Online V8 Shop. (SF August 2015) Review & More
Successful event before and over the MGLive! weekend
Visits to Nuffield Pace (home of Lord Nuffield), Bletchley Park and the Hook Norton Brewery together with lunch at the Pear Tree Inn and a well attended V8 Supper at the Three Conies near Silverstone were popular ahead of the MGLive! weekend. The annual weekend meeting at Silverstone was packed with interest and many members called in for the hospitality and warm welcome at the V8 Marquee arranged by Debbie Brading. See our reports on the events. (SF August 2015) Reports
Club's Nuffield Cup presented to the V8 Register at MGLive! 2015
The President's International Dinner at MGLive! was a well attended event the V8 members present had a surprise when the Club Chairman announced the presentation of the Club's Nuffield Cup to the V8 Register for providing support and services for V8 enthusiasts, recruiting new members and assisting other registers over the years. Debbie Brading and Victor Smith received the trophy, known as the "Gold Cup" - a very valuable item which is usually locked in a bank vault! (SF August 2015) More
Review of the CHIPnTRAC - a self-monitoring GPS tracker
This small device monitors your car so that you can be alerted if your is tampered with or stolen with messages to your mobile phone. If the car is stolen those messages provide information on the location of the vehicle, essential when working with the police to recover the car promptly. (SF July 2015) Tracker review & Dash Cam
V8 Technical Day
The programme for this year's V8 Technical Day in June at Club Office in Abingdon included Mike Macartney's fascinating tale of rebuilding the V8 Roadster featured in his popular rebuild reports on the V8 website, Mark Wanstall on carrying out Hoyle Suspension upgrades and George Wilder and Chris Allan on their book "RV8 - the Manufacturing Story". The event was organised by Roger Aldridge with the support of Nic Houslip. (SF July 2015) Report
V8 Summer BBQ
Bob and Carolyn Owen are hosting a V8 Summer BBQ on Sunday 19th July from 11am at their home in Mortimer, SW of Reading in Berkshire. Full details from Bob on 0118 933 2533. SF July 2015) More
V8 events before and at MGLive! 2015
In the week before MGLive! on 20th/21st June we have visits to Nuffield Place (Wednesday) and Bletchley Park (Thursday), and on Friday a tour of the Hook Norton Brewery, lunch at the Pear Tree Inn in Hook Norton and a V8 Supper at the Three Conies bear Brackley not far from Silverstone. All V8 members and friends welcome. At MGLive! there will be a warm welcome at the V8 Marquee where V8 members and friends can meet up and in the Club's Main Marquee we will have Nic Houslip's track day V8 Roadster on display. Full details of the events, booking forms and bookings lists available online. (SF June 2015) More
V8 Technical Day on Saturday 6th June 2015
This year's V8 Technical Day will be held at a new venue, the John Thornley Suite at the Club's office at Kimber House, Abingdon. The programme for the day will cover various aspects of owning a V8 MG, with three principal speakers: Mike Macartney on rebuilding a V8 Roadster, Mark Wanstall on carrying out Hoyle Suspension upgrades and George Wilder and Chris Allan on their book "RV8 - the Manufacturing Story". Full details and a booking form online. (SF June 2015) More
V8 Summer BBQ on Sunday 19th July 2015
Bob and Carolyn Owen are hosting a V8 Summer BBQ on Sunday 19th July from 11am at their home in Mortimer, SW of Reading in Berkshire. Full details from Bob on 0118 933 2533 and online. (SF June 2015) More

Lunchtime Meeting for RV8 and V8 enthusiasts in the South West
Peter Ferguson has arranged another meeting for RV8 and V8 members for Sunday 31st May 2015 from noon onwards at the The Dartmoor Inn at Lydford located on the A386 between Tavistock and Sourton on the western edge of Dartmoor. This follows the most successful inaugural meeting in September 2014. All are welcome, owners, wives, partners and friends. Contact Peter by email to let him know you plan to join the lunch party. Email & More (SF June 2015)
Vehicle tax renewal
Tax renewal or SORN online is a very convenient way of managing this routine chore. You simply go to the GOV.UK website at and type in the 16 digit reference number on your V11 reminder which starts the 4 stage process. What evidence of a current vehicle tax or SORN do you have now that a paper tax disc is no longer issued? Well you can print off the stage 4 confirmation webpage and keep a copy in the glovebox so that you can produce it for the traffic police in the UK or on Mainland Europe as evidence your car is "taxed" in the UK. (SF May 2015) More
V8 Technical Day on Saturday 6th June 2015
This year's V8 Technical Day will be held at a new venue, the John Thornley Suite at the Club's office at Kimber House, Abingdon. The programme for the day will cover various aspects of owning a V8 MG, with three principal speakers: Mike Macartney on rebuilding a V8 Roadster, Mark Wanstall on carrying out Hoyle Suspension upgrades and George Wilder and Chris Allan on their book "RV8 - the Manufacturing Story". Full details and a booking form online. (SF May 2015) More
RV8 cats heat shield available
RV8 cats heat shields in a high grade heat resistant fibreglass are now available from Clive Wheatley. The shields are fixed between the cats and the underside of the floor of the bodyshell to reflect heat generated in the exhaust system.They are bolted to the underside of the car. In some cases the heat generated around the cats can burn the underside of the floor in the passenger compartment. The RV8 cats heat shield is available from Clive Wheatley mgv8parts at £99 including VAT plus carriage. (SF April 2015) More
ECU upgrade power amplifier fixing check
The remote ignition amplifier fitted to an RV8 by sticking it to the side of the engine bay fell off Paul Baker's car and landed on exhaust manifold and burnt out! The installer's aftersales support was good and they repaired the unit which Paul refitted more securely using the secondary support of cable ties as a safety mechanism so if it did come unstuck it would not fall down onto the exhaust again. The important message is if you have had one of these power amps fitted you might want to make sure you put some cable ties around the wires at each end to make it more secure. (SF April 2015) More
Planning a trip to le Mans
In most years a group of V8 enthusiasts has gone to the annual 24 hours sportscar endurance race at le Mans. It's an event that combines a sense of expedition, an opportunity to drive on some relatively uncluttered French roads, the enjoyment of good food and wine, and of course spectating the race! Here Victor Smith provides a guide to planning your trip. (SF April 2015) More
Popular rebuild series
Following a major restoration of an MGBGTV8 previously owned by Dugald MacNeil, Mike Macartney met up with his old friend and as Dugald was so attached to the car, Mike generously let it go back to him! But Mike had thoroughly enjoyed driving the V8 so the MGV8 bug had bitten him! We soon heard Mike had bought another MGV8 for restoration, a V8 Roadster conversion. As he was preparing the car to start the restoration Mike then offered to send in regular reports of the restoration which you can follow here. (SF April 2015) More
Events in the week before MGLive! 2015
A visit to Nuffield Place, the home of one of the most remarkable men of the 20th century and founder of the Morris Motor Company, on Wednesday 17th June has been arranged by Ian Quarrington. The following day Nic Houslip has arranged a visit to Bletchley Park with its WW2 code breaking history and on Friday 19th June we have a tour of the Hook Norton Brewery followed by lunch at the nearby Pear Tree Inn both arranged by Debbie Brading. On Friday evening an informal V8 Supper at the Three Conies near Brackley has been arranged by James Brooks Fisher. (SF April 2015) More
Tax exempt evidence when driving in Mainland Europe
With the end of paper tax discs in 2014 you will now need to carry evidence that a tax exempt classic car has a current NIL value VED when driving in Mainland Europe. The main source for checking current road tax status is the Vehicle Enquiry System on the GOV.UK website where you will need to call up the record for your car and print off a copy. The first line will say "12 month rate - £0.00" and further down "Vehicle status - tax not due". (SF April 2015) More
Anti-theft GPS tracker for classic cars
With increasing concern over classic car theft, a self-monitoring GPS tracker that alerts you if your car is tampered with or stolen is good news. It's about the size of a box of matches and can be easily fitted in a concealed location and connected to the car's electrical system. Monitoring your car is done using your mobile phone - even a basic mobile phone will do because there are no apps to be loaded. It's all done with simple text messages. (SF April 2015) More
Updated MGV8 price guide
As part of our regular update of our MGV8 Price Guide released recently on the V8 website, Victor Smith and Adam Fiander highlight some of the background to the price trends over the last 12 months. The increased interest in classic cars noted in our price guide released in 2014 has continued over the last 12 months. We have seen prices of good quality MGV8s moving up, particularly for MGBGTV8s. (SF April 2015) More
Cars built in 1974 eligible for the rolling VED exemption
From 1st April 2015 cars built in 1974 will be eligible for the rolling VED exemption introduced in the Budget in March 2013 and made a 40 year rolling feature last year. The key date for eligibility is the "build date" and not the date of first registration. Enthusiasts with an eligible car need to apply for a tax class change from PLG to "Historic" and then for the NIL value VED at a local Post Office or direct to DVLA Swansea. Our updated guide and flowchart will help you through the process. (March 2015) More
New 13 part Channel 5 series on classic cars featuring the respected motoring journalist Quentin Willson
A new television series will put the world of classic cars in your front room and the promoters say there's not an overblown stunt in sight. A new 13 part series made its debut on Channel 5 on Thursday 5th February at 7pm fronted by Quentin Willson and Jodie Kidd. The first programme in the series was a patchwork of parts seemingly aimed at various groups with an interest in the classic car world. An MGBGTV8 features in the promotional video flying by on a straight country road with Quentin Willson at the wheel. We think the V8 will appear as passionate case for a £5,000 bargain classic car buy later in the series. (March 2015) More
V8s sell well at auction
Keith Belcher spotted three V8s in an Anglia Car Auctions' catalogue and felt it is a rare auction when three chrome bumper V8s make the rostrum in mid-winter. The three V8s sold well in January when the star was a 1975 much restored but largely standard Tundra V8 with a distinctive registration number and modified with a walnut dash and full leather interior which made £17,010 against an estimate of £14,000 to £16,000. (March 2015) More
Early signs of an engine mounting failing
Bob Smith from Gloucestershire has a Sebring bodied MGBGT built as dual purpose road legal and track day car with a 300bhp V8 engine. He mentioned how he traced a problem to weak engine mounts -a useful reminder for RV8 members and a few GTV8 owners with inner wing cut-outs for the exhaust. See the illustrated V8NOTE485. (February 2015) More
Replacing dashboard instrument bulbs with LEDs
Richard Withington posted a query on the V8 Bulletin Board seeking help in how to get at the dashboard instrument bulbs to replace them as he had had finally got round to acquiring some LED panel lights for an upgrade from Classic Dynamo Conversions near Lincoln. The first two bulbs were easy to install for the petrol gauge and lower speedo, but the others seemed more challenging. His first inclination was to lower the steering column so that he could access the others because he felt he needed to be a contortionist to get hold of them! Nic Houslip's reply proved that was the case! (February 2015) More
Everyday Modifications for your MGB, GT and GTV8
A new book from Crowood Press in their "Everyday Modifications" series by fellow V8 enthusiast Roger Parker contains a wealth of useful tips on upgrades and improvements you can add with the modifications he describes. It’s a very thorough and authoritative book and one most MGB and GTV8 enthusiasts will find a useful source of information and advice. At the discounted price of £15.99 plus delivery from the Crowood Press online site it is also very good value too. (February 2015) Crowood Press website & Review
Headline events for 2015
For 2015 our first event is a V8 Curry held on Saturday 28th February in Knowle near Solihull the night before the Stoneleigh MG Show on Sunday 1st March. The core events include a visit to Bletchley Park on Thursday 18th June in the week before the Club's annual meeting, MGLive! at Silverstone, and the annual V8 tour will be to Germany this year with a five day tour (plus an optional additional day at Nürburgring) organised by longstanding V8 members Walter and Brigitte Kallenberg. See the Rolling V8 Calendar for full details and links. Rolling V8 Calendar (January 15)
First RV8 in Caribbean Blue sold
The first of the RV8s finished in Caribbean Blue was sold in December by a longstanding member, Godfrey Barnes, to Jim Henderson. The car, a UK spec car from 1993 is in Condition 1 with a hydraulic power steering retrofit and an Optimax ECU upgrade, was car previously owned by Bryan Ditchman, the original editor of the RV8 Workshop Notes series and a regular contributor for many years. Godfrey had previously owned an MGBGTV8 in Glacier White in which he travelled with his Norwegian wife all the way to North Cape well above the Arctic Circle in Norway and back. (January 15) Caribbean Blue 0265
Emergency contact disc
With the end of paper tax discs in October 2014 having an emergency contact disc or ECD on your screen in place of the old tax disc is certainly a useful idea and one which could provide essential information at the scene of a collision or medical emergency. (January 15) Download an ECD
Dash cams - what are they like?
it is clear dash cams are being used in all types of vehicle so why have one, what do they do, how do you set them up and how do you get one? Victor Smith sets out what he found. Review (December 14) Special offer

See an illustrated seven page document with details of the Digi-Cam Action Camcorder kit (what does it look like and how do you set it up and use it) and examples of the recording quality compared with the NextBase402G dash cam. More & Legals
Retrofitting DRLs to a classic car
See the full article highlighting the relative visibility concern for classic car drivers, particularly at night, and an installation on an MGBV8 Roadster carried out by Vic Todman. More (December 14)
Paying road tax by Direct Debit
Following the end of paper tax discs in October the DVLA has introduced a system where you can pay VED by Direct Debit. More (December 14)
Winter layups
See our information gateway on winter layoups for a classic car. More (December 14)
Major MGV8 restoration
Dr Chris Ward at Applecross in the Highlands is close to finishing a major restoration of his MGBGTV8. More (December 14)
MGB Workshop Notes on a USB Twister
The new MGB Workshop Notes series has many useful technical notes for the MGB and MGBGT with service and spares tips contributed by fellow members since 1978. The complete series with over 300 notes in four volumes and a detailed Index is available on a memory stick with a special rate for current members of the MG Car Club. (December 14) More
Seasonal Offers
Presents - what can I get a V8 enthusiast? We have a range of V8 Regalia, offers from Brown & Gammons and Clive Wheatley and copies of a reprint of "RV8 - the Manufacturing Story" and a few rare signed copies of David Knowles' book "MG V8" available. See the Seasonal Offers webpage. (December 14)
Avoiding a fine for incorrect number plates
A useful reminder to check you have the right number plates for the year your classic car was built. More (November 14)
Getting a replica tax disc for your MGV8
A small company near Barnsley in Yorkshire, Creative Tax Discs, provides a good service. More (November 14)
Green Hell - V8 at Nurburgring motor racing circuit
Enjoy a lap with Guy Konz. More (October 2014)
RV8 enthusiasts in Devon & Cornwall - Sunday 21st September 2014
Peter Ferguson is planning a meeting of RV8 members in Devon and Corwall at the Dartmoor Inn. For full details & booking see his briefing note. Contact Peter at email. All MGV8 members welcome. (September 14)
Goodwood Revival - Friday 12th to Sunday 14th September 2014
The annual three day festival of motorsport with a relaxed feel and period setting. We have an informal V8 Gathering at the event. See our outline and briefing for details of how to get a ticket, where to park, the layout of the circuit. Goodwood bookings and ticket hotline 01243 755055 and Goodwood website. Contact Victor Smith 07770 822977 on Friday 12th September to coordinate meeting up at the Circuit. See a route guide to Goodwood. (September 14)
Early pre-production development V8 sold at auction
Glacier White 0096, which was up for auction at the Silverstone Classic Sale on Saturday 26th July 2014, is reported to have been sold for £9,315 including auction fees and VAT. We understand the hammer price was £8,100. (September 14) More
RV8 enthusiasts in Yorkshire
Stuart Mumby is planning a meeting of RV8 members in Yorkshire. Do get in touch with him on 01430 871078. (August 14)

V8 Garden Visit in Shropshire
For Sunday 17th August 2014 Clive Wheatley is arranging a private visit to the beautiful gardens at Lower Hall, a privately owned 16th century timber house in the centre of Worfield, a village 3½ half miles east of Bridgnorth in Shropshire. Contact Clive Wheatley for bookings and more information on 01746 710810 or by email
Workshop notes available on a USB memory stick
We have launched the new system of distributing sets of the V8 and RV8 Workshop Notes using an easy to use, rapid loading memory stick with the V8 Register logo on the case. So you will be able to spot it easily when you need to check up on a particular workshop note.. (August 14) More
Check your agreed value when you renew your insurance cover
With the increase in MGV8 prices over the last couple of years now is the time to check the agreed value in your policy. See our updated price guide. (August 14) More
Seat belt repair
See our note on how and where to get your seat belts repaired. (July 14) More
RV8 cooling problem traced to a small crack in the enck of the expansion tank
See our detailed note on this cause of overheating with an RV8. (July 14) More

LED lights conversion
Following the article on the LED bulb upgrade in the V8 Newsletter in the April 2014 issue of Safety Fast! the Editor received a letter from Keith Hobday who offered a useful small correction and one piece of additional information. A copy of Keith's letter was published in the June 2014 issue of Safety Fast! together with a response from the author of the article via a comment from the Editor. See a copy of Keith's letter and the response from the author of the article plus an updated table of replacement bulbs. More
See a copy of the revised article on LED lights conversion. More
MGBGTV8 brake servo failure - caution again
Fortunately brake failures from servo problems are rare but there have been 14 reports from V8 members of a near instant loss of braking. The latest report was from Barrie Jones who said it had happened to a local V8 in Cornwall. So our earlier advice to fellow V8 enthusiasts urging them to have their brake servo checked is repeated. Please do have your servo checked and better still either refurbished or a new servo fitted as a replacement. It is simply not worth scrimping on such a key safety issue. More
V8 events over the MG90 weekend
On Friday 20th June the traditional informal lunch at the Pear Tree Inn at Hook Norton and later a V8 Supper at the Three Conies Inn at Thorpe Mandeville. On Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June the V8 Marquee at MG90 at Silverstone will provide a warm welcome for V8 members and friends with free tea, coffee and cakes and in the Club's Main Marquee there will be an interesting MGBGTV8 display. The Club dinner on Saturday evening will be popular with some V8 enthusiasts. On Sunday 22nd June the V8 AGM will be held at 12.30pm at the V8 Marquee. Four MGV8s will be in the MG90 Timeline display over the weekend. More
Successful tax class change and free tax disc
See our updated guide to getting your tax class change from PLG to Historic and apllying for a free road tax disc. See also our helpful flowchart on how to apply either at a local Post Office or direct to the DVLA Swansea. (May 14) Guide & Flowchart
See our earlier "More" pages
You can see the more information webpage on articles and news items published in earlier V8 Columns and V8 Newsletters.