Event information and booking form for the MGV8-50 event at Gaydon

Entrance to the Museum is on the lefthand side of the front of the Museum.
Just inside the entrance is where V8 Reguster members you can buy
their tickets at the specal reduced price.

Parking for MGV8s will be in the Northern Arena parking area.
It's on the right hand side as you arrive at Gaydon.

The British Motor Museum at Gaydon will host the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the MGBGTV8 in 1973
Sunday 20th August 202
3 - from 11am to 4pm

Dedicated MGV8-50 Meeting Rooms inside the Museum
The focal point of the event will be in the two MGV8-50 Meeting Rooms inside the Museum - meeting rooms open from 11.00am.

> Informal meeting room welcoming members with light refreshments together with a number of tables and stands manned by traders and Club staff. It will be an opportunity to meet up with fellow MGV8 enthusiasts and their guests.

> Adjoining room will host a mixture of presentations on the MGBGTV8 and MG RV8 models, together with several on technical subjects that will be of interest to MGBGTV8 and RV8 owners alike.

Timetable for the event and programme of presentations
Timetable, programme and site map

To get to our two MGV8-50 Meeting Rooms you will need to enter the Museum via the Main Entrance - it's on the left hand side of the front elevation of the building as viewed from the car park in front of the Museum - and then from the ticket deask walk through the Museum to the two rooms at the back of the building. Within the Museum you will be able to view the wonderful collection of classic cars and other interesting material on display. You will also be able to enjoy the Museum's café for snacks and lunch.
Site map - where is the main entrance to the Museum? - see item "A" marked on the site map

MGV8s parking in front of the Museum
Parking for MGV8s will be in the Northern Arena parking area (see area "4" via the link below to the site map). Enthusiasts attending the event will find marshals will be on hand to guide MGV8s as required as they arrive.
Site map - where is the MGV8 parking area at Gaydon?

Museum Entry Ticket and an Access Pass to our two MGV8-50 dedicated meeting rooms within the Museum

> Museum Entry Tickets
Special reduced price tickets for V8 Register members are available at just £10 per person
There are no advance ticket sales of the special reduced price tickets available for this event at Gaydon. A special reduced price ticket has to be bought on the day of the event at the Museum's reception desk handling admissions just inside the main entrance to the Museum. Then on your showing the Museum's staff member your MG Car Club membership card you will be able to buy your entrance ticket at the reduced price of £10 and only one more ticket at that price for any guest you have with you. That ticket will give you access to the Museum - its display of classic cars and the café .
Access Guide for the British Motor Museum

Where you have more than one guest with you they will have to buy their entrance ticket at the Museum's standard price. Gaydon recommend you book standard price tickets in advance of the day you would like to visit because they are cheaper in comparison to buying on the day.
See the Museum's current standard entrance ticket prices

> Access Pass - it's needed for entry into the two dedicated MGV8-50 meeting rooms inside the Museum
A personal Access Pass will be issued to each V8 Register member who has booked with the V8 Register to join the MGV8-50 event at Gaydon, and for any guests included in a V8 Register member's booking. You and your guests will need to have the personal Access Passes with you at the event because the Access Pass will need to be presented to our volunteer marshals at the entrance to the two MGV8-50 meeting rooms so you can gain access to the rooms. To get your personal Access Pass, and for a guest attending the event with you, simply fill in the booking form below and click the Send button at the foot of the form. Your data will be sent to the V8 Webmaster who will check your application and then later, nearer the event, send each personal Access Pass to you as an email attachment for you and for any guest attending the event with you who was included in your booking. See the booking form below - just scroll down.

See the bookings made by fellow V8 Members
Booking made by fellow V8 Members

Other useful links

Museum displays & Museum & Video tour
Plan your visit & Cafe

Map to help get to BMH Gaydon
Finding the Museum entrance and the two meeting rooms

Booking form for the MGV8-50 event at Gaydon
Member's name
Partner's name  
Guest(s) name(s)  
County or Country
MG Car Car Club Membership Number
MGBV8 Model for display
  MGBGTV8 MGV8 Conversion V8 Roadster Costello MGBV8

Car No or VIN

Registration number (VRN) of your MGV8  
MG Car Club membership number  

I confirm I have registered an MGV8 with the V8 Register and am a current member of the MG Car Club

Yes (registered & a current member) No

You can register your MGV8 using the form via the link:
Online V8 Registration form:

When you have completed this form, click Send

V8 Register - MG Car Club