Free update of an existing set
of V8 Workshop Notes
offer for members who have previously purchased a full set of
V8NOTES in earlier years.
will be by an online digital files delivery service with WeTransfer.
on a current set? Contents
Free update of an existing
set of RV8 Workshop Notes
offer for members who have previously purchased a full set of
RV8NOTES in earlier years.
Delivery will be by an online digital files delivery service
with WeTransfer.
What's on a current set? Contents
V8 Register Windscreen badge
Free offer of a plastic film badge.
copy of the MG Factory production record for your MGBGTV8
copy of the MG Factory
production record for your MGBGTV8. Example
tax disc showing the VED or VED exempt and MOT renewal dates
tax disc with your renewal dates and where available from you
the text in the online confirmation of the renewal received
from GOV.UK
V8 Members making the switch to Digital
Club Membership of the MG Car Club can then claim any &
all of our free offers