Digital Club Membership is here - do switch now

Benefit - reduced membership subscription fees
See the reduced membership subscription fees with a switch to Digital Club Membership. More

Special free offers for V8 members who make the switch to Digital Club Membership
To encourage V8 members to make the switch to Digital Club Membership we are launching special offers you can enjoy when you have made that switch.
Special free offers

When can you make the switch to digital?
You can notify the Club's membership secretary well ahead of your subscription renewal date that you want to switch to Digital Club Membership. Just send in your form now to make the switch and enjoy our special offers.

Updated: 231126
Posted: 231018

The new UK and Europe digital and print membership subscription tiers are available now and will be fixed for the next three years. You can purchase or renew your membership and make the change to digital membership via the links below where you can see the new tiers of membership subscription with either a digital copy of Safety Fast! or a printed copy. Digital Members can read their copies of Safety Fast! online in digital format - no more postal delays. More

Change to Digital Membership & enjoy our special offers

Membership renewal form

Guide to making the switch to digital using the form

New Digital Membership subscription rates

Join the MG Car Club
The MG Car Club is now required to evolve once more for the benefit of securing its services for members long into the future. One of the most significant costs the Club has is the production and delivery of the Club's magazine, Safety Fast!, to its members. Not only have production costs risen from higher paper and printing costs but also from a challenging market for advertising. Also the costs of mailing the publication to members have also sky-rocketed.

The Club has announced its new Digital Membership which aims to continue providing the service of delivering Safety Fast! promptly as members expect by offering an alternative way of receving and reading regular issues of Safety Fast! in digital format online. The change will ensure production and delivery of the magazine continues in a more sustainable way. The option of continuing your Club membership on a higher subscription rate with the delivery of a printed copy of Safety Fast! will remain available.