your MGBGTV8, Costello MGV8, MGBV8 Conversion or MG RV8 with the
V8 Register now using this convenient online form. The full services
and support available from the V8 Register are available to MGV8
enthusiasts who are registered with the V8 Register and are current
members of the MG Car Club in the UK or with a recognised branch
or affilitate of the Club overseas.
note if you have a gmail account, frequently the
data you enter in the form below will not reach the V8 Webmaster
as an automated email sent via our webhost because gmail systems
seem to block it. If you have another email account with another
service provider please use that to ensure the data in your form
will reach the V8 Register.
Please feel able to contact the V8 Webmasterto discuss any
aspects or issues related to the form or your membership of the
V8 Register.
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