Contributions of news items or articles very welcome
The V8 Register is an active members' group which aims to provide a flow of information which is interesting, lively and topical. We welcome the active participation of our members with their contributions of news and articles with information on news, events, replacement parts, maintenance of MGV8s and restorations for release on the V8 Website, or posts on our V8 Bulletin Board and V8 Register Facebook Group.

Our handy templates for drafting news items and articles are in Word format - links alongside.

Posted: 240408
News item

"Dazzling headlights worth looking into" Link
If you have seen a newsworthy item which could be a News item on the V8 Website you can send us details in an email or you can use our template to create a draft "News" webpage that you can send in.
Template & Email

Event news

University Motors Reunion at Fairmile natter Link
If you have seen news of an interesting event which could be of interest to fellow members you can send us details in an email or you can use our template to create a draft "News" webpage that you can send in.
Template & Email
Article or workshop note

New workshop notes added to the two sets Link
If you have any interesting information on replacement parts or on a maintenance or technical issue with an MGV8 you can send us details in an email or you can use our template to create a draft webpage you can send in.
& Email
Alternatively you can post your news item, event news, technical and replacement parts information on the V8 Bulletin Board or the V8 Register Facebook Page or send it in by email