MGBGTV8 features in a Classic & Sports Car

The magazine has an RV8 on the front cover of the March 2024 issue highlighting an 8 page feature article - Power to the People. It says "the early 1990s was a golden era for British sports cars. TVR, Marcos and MG all took the Rover-powered route and represent great value today". More
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Never to be seen again

Whether they were great ideas that shone brightly for a short time or a flash in the pan that sank without trace, here we take stock of the cars that were offered once but never replaced. Let's enjoy these classic one-hit wonders.

Keith Belcher says "the photo in the feature article alongside is my V8 from when I attended the photoshoot Classic & Sportscar at Curborough Sprint Course in 2019. I told the researcher that my MGBGTV8 with its registration plate - FOM 7L- had been used twice in the recent past for comparison tests for magazines. I thought they would use another car but at the last minute they decided to invite me. They suggested using any other registration plate so as I had a pair of cherished plates - KDB 27 - for my VW Caddy, they asked me to fit them."

Keith adds " I have had the cherished registration KDB 27 for 50 years and it has been fixed to many of my cars since 1974."

Keith Belcher's MGBGTV8 (Damask 1949) is in a Classic & Sports Car feature article looking back at selection of "20 classic one-hit wonders".
C&SC article

Photo credits: Classic & Sports Car