How have the two sets of workshop notes grown?

The two sets workshop notes have provided V8 Register members with a useful store of information and advice on MGV8 servicing, maintenance and replacement parts issues which many members have seen as a valued part of their membership benefits. Over the years the notes have been contributed by fellow members which is a key feature of the ethos of a traditional members' car club.

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Posted: 250113
Flow of new workshop notes contributed by fellow members
Since each series was launched there has been an active flow of new notes added to each series so the overall total of the workshop notes is now 1,168. In the table above you can see the average rates of new notes are: V8NOTES (1.23 per month) and RV8NOTES (1.62 per month). Since the RV8NOTES were launched in September 1999 the combined average rate of new notes has been 2.88 per month.

New notes added in January 2025

Peter Ellis (editor of the workshop notes) has recently released updates for both series with new notes contributed by fellow members. You can see the updates here

Updates are available
For V8 Members who have previously purchased a full set of V8 or RV8 Workshop Notes updates are available as a member benefit. More

New sets of workshop notes are available to current V8 Register members
Details of how to buy a set of V8 or RV8 Workshop Notes are available. Link

Would like to contribute a workshop note?
You can contact Peter Ellis (Editor) or Victor Smith (V8 Website) or Peter Berry (V8 Scribe). We have an A4P twin column template in Word format you can use to draft a note or article. Contacts & Template