Music V8 members remember from the 1970s and 80s

We have launched a seasonal treat with members' choices of music they remember from earlier years and enjoy today. Any further contributions to this series from fellow V8 members will be very welcome. Just send the details and a link to an online recording. Contact

Updated: 250128
Posted: 241210
Music on the Pass of the Cattle
The video of the route to the Pass of the Cattle on the way to the remote village of Applecross has calm music as the film records the climb. It's a very memorable route and the more so when you have made that long climb in an MGV8. Link

Victor Smith feels it's a route well worth doing when you are visiting the Northwest Highlands and heading for the route from Strathcarron
Wuthering Heights
Kate Bush topped the UK singles chart for four weeks with her stunning debut single "Wuthering Heights". Link

David Macadam says "she is just not like anybody else. Her theatrical voice is a force of nature and her lush, layered self-productions are works of art. She’s a wildly physical performer. Her music simply revives you".
Telegraph Road
It's a is a song by British rock band Dire Straits, written by Mark Knopfler. It's the opening track on their 1982 album. Link

Ian Quarrington's likes the track as a piece of music to drive to and a memory from the 1970s. He says it's a long record to listen to but so good to hear instruments being played and not music conjured up by a computer.
Performed by The Cars in 1984. The song is most associated with the July 1985 Live Aid event, where it was performed by The Cars during the Philadelphia event.

Carol Clayton's choice of a memroable music is "Drive" by the American rock band "The Cars". Link
On Days Like These
Performed by Matt Monro - for the opening sequence of the film The Italian Job. Link

Keith Belcher says instantly I’m Rossano Brazzi cruising up the Great St Bernard Pass in the Alps; But not in a Miura, I’m in my MGBGTV8, the addictive multi-cylinder growl, with Matt’s song, casually dreaming of what might have been.
Performed by Christine McVie, the singer, songwriter and keyboardist who became the biggest hitmaker for Fleetwood Mac. It's a sensitive ballad that for years served as the band’s closing encore in concert. Link

Ken Clayton says there are so many! But m
ine would be Songbird although I never play music in the RV8, I just love the sound of the engine!
Moonlight Shadow
Music from Mike Oldfield on the Tubular Bells recording from the year of the launch of the MGBGTV8 model in 1973. On later recordings there is Maggie Reilly singing Moonlight Shadow.

Victor Smith says it's a magical piece of music with Sally Oldfield singing those moving words - almost haunting at times and then finally fading away. Link