Car Club stand at the NEC show
Just six volunteers set up the large MG Car Club stand for the three
day NEC show last weekend. Our V8 Chairman Tony Smith was there and
worked with the team of volunteers over two days erecting the framework
for the stand and then the attractive display of MGs and the
range of regalia items and books on offer. He
says "many thanks to the Club Office Team from Kimber House who
planned, enabled and achieved an enormous challenge in creating and
running the stand over what is the annual major classic car "end
of the year" three day event".
The Club Office team - Ineke Sherman, Liz Allsworth, Colin Grant and
Ali Khushi - with the help of Neil Brandt (Club Vice Chairman) and
Roger King (Midlands Centre) and other Club members volunteered to
support the Club stand over the long weekend. The new Club Chairman
(Lorraine Noble-Thompson and the Club President (John Day) were also
on the stand welcoming visitors to the stand. It was a real success
with new Club members recruited.
New Club insurance scheme launched with the welcome support
of Peter James Insurance. More

Posted: 241112 |
Chairman, Tony Smith, was at the NEC from Wednesday for four
days helping the Club Office team and the directors volunteering
to set up the Club stand at the NEC show on Wednesday and Thursday.
He then participated fully alongside the team providing a welcome
for visitors to the stand on Friday and Saturday. He says "it
was wonderful seeing the interest visitors had in the cars on
display, including the new Cyberster sportscar model, and also
the range of regalia items and books on offer".
The MG Car Club also launched its new Peter James insurance
scheme which attracted a great deal of interest from members
and guests visiting the stand. More |

MG Car Club stand with MGs on display and a range of regalia
items and books on offer

Club Office
members and volunteers setting up the Club stand on the Wednesday
& Thursday. More |