on the petition to reduce the 40 years plus VED exemption for Historic
item in the latest FBHVC magazine
Alongside is a copy of the FBHVC
item with their views on the petition launched earlier this year seeking
to reduce vehicle road tax for cars aged between 40 and 20 years old.
petition was rejected by the UK Government. See
our earlier news item released in April 2024.
Current VED exemption for Historic vehicles
It's a concesion available to owners of Historic vehicles that are
years plus old and is on a rolling annual basis. The Federation's
article reviews the key issues in a balanced way.
Posted: 240627 |
News item
in the latest FBHVC magazine, sets out their view on the petition
to reduce the 40 year VED exemption for Historic vehicles, contributed
by Lindsay Irvine, the Chairman of the FBHVC Legislation Committee