consultation on historic vehicle registration processes
See a copy of the FBHVC release. More
Posted: 240517
FBHVC online survey
At the head of the their survey form the FBHVC says: "We request
that you review the following summary of the FBHVC Boards
position and indicate in the appropriate boxes whether you agree
or disagree. If you do not agree, please suggest an alternative.
FBHVC will then compile a response representative of all club members
views compliant with the details of the DVLAs request for
Updated: 240525
The DVLA procedures for assessing the range of changes made to vehicles
can be complex so a careful review of the current DVLA procedures
is essential. It's a welcome step that DVLA is seeking the views
and input of ownwers of historic and classic cars and the bodies
like the FBHVC that represent clubs. The approach taken by the FBHVC
is clearly wise - it's expert team have set out
their views in a provisional response with each section
addressing each part of the official DVLA consultation (or Call
for Evidence) document.
The FBHVC online survey welcomes club members' views as part of
the process of finsalising the formal consultation response document
which will be published by the FBHVC and submitted to the Government,
representing the responses received.
It's vital the formal consultation response is carefully prepared
representing club members'
views and input and also avoiding any unintended consequences in
terms of creating difficulties with processing historic and classic
vehicles registrations.
DVLA Call for Evidence
The Department for Transport (DfT) and the Driver and Vehicle
Licensing Agency (DVLA) have launched a call for evidence around
the existing policies and registration processes for historic,
classic, rebuilt vehicles and vehicles converted to electric.
The executive summary calls for evidence as to whether the DVLA
procedures for assessing changes made to vehicles which have
been rebuilt, converted or radically altered to such an extent
that it can affect the identity of the vehicle and whether the
registration processes need updating.
The key areas for responses are:
Historic & classic vehicles
Reconstructed classic vehicles
Rebuilt vehicles
Restored vehicles
Kit built and kit converted vehicles
Radically altered vehicles
Vehicles converted to electric propulsion
See the DVLA Call for Evidence document. More
FBHVC provisional response to the DVLA Call for Evidence and
a member survey
The FBHVC provisional response addresses each section of the
DVLA Call for Evidence that all members of the historic vehicle
community can now read and indicate their views and support
through an electronic survey. The FBHVC has innovatively published
its positioning statement to give everyone a voice and make
completing the consultation document less onerous. The positioning
statement is split into sections relating to each part of the
official DVLA consultation document that the FBHVC will complete
on behalf of the community.
Once the feedback to the FBHVC online survey is collated, a
formal consultation response document will be published by the
FBHVC and submitted to the Government, representing the responses
This call for evidence runs until 4th July 2024 and you can
respond by visiting the link below
to the FBHVC provisional response & online survey:
at the head of the DVLA Call for Evidence document by Mark Harper,
the former Transport Minister
and historic vehicles are a rolling testament to British innovation
and the UK Government is committed to supporting this sector.
While the DVLA must carry out its duty to ensure road safety
and protect future purchasers when modifications are made to
vehicles, we are committed to exploring changes that will make
it easier for keepers who adapt their vehicles to make sure
theyre roadworthy and safe. We recognise that technology
is changing the way vehicleas are being rebuilt and restored,
as well as driving an increasing move towards converting older
vehicles to electric. In light of this, the UK Government believes
that the time is right to review the existing policies and processes
relating to how these vehicles are registered with DVLA. There
are many people and organisations with a range of expertise
and a wide range of different views on these issues. The aim
of this call for evidence is to tap into that range of experience,
views and research to help the UK Government identify areas
of potential change.
Introduction by DVLA to the Call for Evidence document
says "This call for evidence explains the current policies
used for identifying such vehicles and the registration processes
for them, which have been in place for many years. We are seeking
your expert knowledge about whether these policies need updating,
in particular to reflect evolving technologies that support
the restoration and rebuilding of vehicles, along with vehicles
that are being converted to electric. We also want to know if
you have any suggestions based on your knowledge and expertise
in this area that may assist in improving the registration process
for these vehicles"