Member Feedback Survey 2024 - closed

Who are the current volunteers as members of the V8 Committee?

Which volunteers cover the key areas of information, support and events?

Our convenient online survey form which should take only a few minutes to complete.
Online Survey form

Updated: 240202
Posted: 240107
As a team working to deliver useful technical and spares information and support for MGV8 Members together with events which are a seen as a valuable part of your MG Car Club membership benefits package, the volunteers in the V8 Committee team need to learn more of Members' needs, preferences and the ways you interact with the V8 Register. So we are launching a Member Feedback Survey. The link below will take you to the convenient online survey form which should take only a few minutes to complete. When you click "Send" at the foot of the form your data is sent to the V8 Committee team in an automated email via our webhost. A report on the feedback and findings from the survey responses will be published by March 2024.
Online Member Feedback Survey form

Aims of the Member Feedback Survey 2024
Get V8 members' feedback on:

What is provided by the V8 Register that they have found useful as news, technical information & support and also events?
Your feedback will highlight your key areas of interest in news, technical information & other support, and also the events provided by the V8 Register, the MG Car Club and other sources that you use.

How and where you access information provided by the V8 Register, the Club and other support in print, online and from other sources you use?

How you value what is provided as news, technical information & support, and as events?

How members rate the performance of the V8 Register as part of their Club membership benefits package.

Encourage anyone willing to volunteer to join or support the V8 Committee's work by making an active contribution to providing information, support and events for fellow V8 members.

Our survey form also provides space for your comments and suggestions for any changes and improvements on what is provided for you, particularly online.